Tag Archives: dashboard

In Real Life’s ‘Eyes Closed’ Gets A Pumped-Up, Full-Band TV Rendition

In Real Life, a 2018 boy band to watch, brought their song ‘Eyes Closed’ to the ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ studio in front of a gaggle of pumped-up fans.

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In Real Life’s ‘Eyes Closed’ Gets A Pumped-Up, Full-Band TV Rendition

The Drop: MGMT, Ravyn Lenae, Dashboard Confessional & Son Lux

Here’s why Thursday is low-key the best day of the week: Before the weekend hits, there’s always an outpouring of album releases on Friday. So, if you’re like us, then you’re staying up tonight to get that first glorious listen when your new faves drop right at midnight. If you’re also hunting for fresh new… Read more »

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The Drop: MGMT, Ravyn Lenae, Dashboard Confessional & Son Lux

Dean McDermott: STILL Cheating on Tori Spelling?!

It’s been a rough few weeks for Tori Spelling. First we learned that Spelling is completely broke , thanks to a lawsuit resulting from a $38,000 debt to American Express. (The company claims that when Tori last attempted to pay her bill back in June, her $1,000 check bounced.) The public humiliations continued from there, as the world learned that Tori’s being forced to shill for a psychic network and beg her mom for money in order to pay the bills.   But, of course, the greatest embarrassments have involved Spelling’s deadbeat husband, Dean McDermott. Not only has Tori been forced to pay Dean’s back child support payments , he’s reportedly repaid her by slipping back into his old ways and hitting on random women behind Tori’s back. “Dean is talking to and hitting on girls all the time when he goes out,” a source close to the situation  tells Radar Online. “He’s constantly pointing out ‘hot’ girls.” The insider says that McDermott is quite brazen in his perviness, adding that he was recently spotted “talking to some girl and getting her phone number” just a few feet from where Spelling was standing. You may remember that McDermott’s affair with Emily Goodhand was the major source of drama for the couple’s most recent Lifetime reality series. So maybe Dean is trying to help his family out of a tough financial spot by cheating again? Nah, he’s probably just a douche.

Dean McDermott: STILL Cheating on Tori Spelling?!

Pauley Perrette: I Was Attacked By a Homeless Guy! AGAIN!

Most people know Pauley Perrette as the goth forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on NCIS. Officers of the LAPD, however, are getting to know her as the woman who keeps randomly getting attacked by homeless people. Back in November,  Perrette claimed she was assaulted outside her house by a homeless man who was later arrested based on her description. Now, the 46-year-old actress has taken to Twitter to share yet another lengthy account of a bizarre run-in: Perrette says it all started when she was stopped in traffic and spotted a homeless man asking drivers for change. “He came to my window, to take my dollar. I said God Bless You,” Perrette wrote. “He grabbed my wrist and put his whole inside my car. “He was in my car and I was scared. I looked at my dashboard and first said, ‘I rebuke you satan (sic) in the name of Jesus Christ.” Perrette says the man then asked for the time, she replied, “It’s 5:37,” and he walked away. She also suggested that there were several witnesses who could have intervened, but chose not to. Pauley adds that she had a taser and tactical knife in her car, but chose not to use them. Not surprisingly, Perrette’s story has been met with a fair amount of skepticism online, as violent attacks from homeless men and women are statistically quite rare, and both of Pauley’s stories feature some downright bizarre details. Of course, we have no way of knowing if the incident actually went down as she described it, so we’ll just advise the actress to invest in a can of mace and play it as safe as possible going forward. Watch NCIS online to see Pauley do her thing in the crime lab. View Slideshow: When Celebrities Get Attacked…

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Pauley Perrette: I Was Attacked By a Homeless Guy! AGAIN!

Dumb Azzes: Weed Head Runs Out Of Rolling Papers…Calls The Cops To Ask To Borrow Some More

Jeez, help a guy out ! Man Calls 911 To Get More Rolling Papers How high do you have to be before you call up the police for backup drug paraphernalia ?? Apparently so high that herb inexplicably ends up in your ear… Via WHSV : Kyle Dustin Head, 24, according to Sgt. Edwards, placed a 911 call “in a disoriented state requesting drug paraphernalia.” The call reached the Waynesboro Emergency Operations Center. While the 911 center did dispatch personnel to Head’s location, it was not for the purpose Head had in mind. Two Waynesboro Police Department officers arrived and found Head “sitting in a parked 2005 Chevrolet pick-up truck which had the strong odor of marijuana emanating from it,” Edwards wrote. The vehicle was in the 1800 block of North Talbott Place. Officers found loose particles of leafy plant matter on the dashboard, passenger seat, and on Head’s clothing. According to Edwards’ statement, it was also found “in his right ear.” It was not explained how the plant matter came to be in his ear. Hey, we doubt he knows either. This guy was half past seeing spaceships on Bankhead by the time he ran out of roll up. WHSV

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Dumb Azzes: Weed Head Runs Out Of Rolling Papers…Calls The Cops To Ask To Borrow Some More

Meat Loaf Collapses on Stage, Finishes Concert!

A Meat Loaf concert in Pittsburgh became awfully scary when Loaf (real name Michael Lee Aday) collapsed and medics rushed to his aid. Fortunately, after a short time on his back, Meat got up and grinded out the rest of the show! Talk about giving fans their money’s worth. Here’s footage from right after the collapse took place … Meat Loaf Faints in Concert A short time later, during a performance of “Paradise by the Dashboard Light,” Meat explained everything that went wrong at the show. “I f**king fainted. I have asthma … I can’t breathe … and then … oh wait, I forgot … I got poked by a pin and bled half to death.” “Then I got slapped in the face and my tooth is loose.” Rock n’ roll, man. Rock n’ roll.

Meat Loaf Collapses on Stage, Finishes Concert!

The Streamlined Car of the Future



(YouTube link) “If you’re looking for a 1960 model, this may well be it.” Those were big words back in 1948, when this short documentary was produced by Popular Mechanics. Which will it be: a three-wheeled golf cart that resembles a flying saucer, an airstream camper on wheels, or a souped-up model T with the dashboard Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 07/02/2011 18:28 Number of articles : 2

The Streamlined Car of the Future

Video: Woman Reports Prowler, Gets Repeatedly Tased By Cops

Two Georgia cops have lost their jobs after a video emerged of them macing and tasing a 57 year old woman who simply called to report a prowler outside her house. Janice Wells of Richland says she feared someone was lurking outside her home on April 26 so she called the police. What happened next was caught on the dashboard camera of the one of the police cars that arrived on the scene. The video shows Ryan Smith of the Lumpkin Police Department and Tim Murphy of Richland Police Department attempting to force Wells into a cruiser by spraying her with mace and repeatedly shocking her with a stun gun. As Wells screams “Don’t do that! Don’t do that!” the zapping noise of the taser can be heard over and over as one of the cops yells in a robotic fashion “get in the car, get in the car, get in the car”. As Wells sobs and splutters “I didn’t do nuthin’” the cop shouts “you gonna get it again, you gonna get it again” before blasting her with another round of 50 thousand volts. Eventually a neighbor emerges to calm the situation and a petrified Wells is finally placed in the squad car. ficer Smith has resigned and officer Murphy was fired. Wells is taking legal action. This is yet another example of how Tasers are nothing more than 21st century cattle prods for cops who are trained that the American people are their enemy. The Taser is not a tool of law enforcement, it is a torture device employed to make the scum public follow orders given by their jackbooted masters. Police have become so accustomed to employing tasers during routine calls that they now use them on people asking for their help and even on bed ridden grandmas and elderly women who pose no threat whatsoever. added by: im1mjrpain

The Kick Ass Music Video

The much-buzzed-about movie doesn't come out for another month, but Kick Ass already has its own music video. Following in the footsteps of Nickelback and Dashboard Confessional , MIKA released the heavily branded video this week. The Best Links: Via Film Drunk Watch

Big Google Is Watching: Meet Your Creepy Google Dossier (and Mine)

Today Google rolled out the ” Google Dashboard ,” which is supposed to ” protect your privacy ” by offering control panels for the company’s many products. But, really, it just scares the crap out of you. Google knows all .

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Big Google Is Watching: Meet Your Creepy Google Dossier (and Mine)