Tag Archives: simple-clerical

Man raises son to speak only Klingon

http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2009/11/dinkytown_dad_s.php Is this taking the whole Star Trek thing a teensie weensie bit too far? d'Armond Speers spoke only Klingon to his child for the first three years of its life.

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Man raises son to speak only Klingon

80 year-old bookkeeping error causes first species to be fished to extinction

Everyone has no doubt heard about how fisheries around the world are in grave danger of being fished into oblivion. Countless species are currently threatened by overfishing, and environmentalists work fiercely to prevent victims like sharks and tuna from disappearing–but no one suspected that a common skate would be the first to go. And it turns out no one suspected anything because of a simple classification mistake made 80 years ago

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80 year-old bookkeeping error causes first species to be fished to extinction