Tag Archives: sinaloa

Melissa Margarita Calderon Ojeda pictures, ‘La China’

Melissa Margarita Calderon Ojeda, 30, known by her gang nickname ‘La China’ #x0028;The Asian#x0029;, became involved in organised crime in 2005 when she began working for the Damaso Cartel. The organisation has ties to the Sinaloa Cartel which operates in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur – one of the country#39;s primary regions for drug smuggling – and is headed-up by fugitive Joaquin #39;El Chapo#39; Guzman. She rose quickly in the ranks because of her ruthlessness and fierce temper,

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Melissa Margarita Calderon Ojeda pictures, ‘La China’

The Real News Claims That 7 To 10 People In Ciudad,Juarez,Mexico Are Being Murdered Everyday.

The Mexican army is a drug cartel. In part two of our interview with investigative journalist Bruce Livesey, he discusses the violence in Ciudad Juarez.A massive influx of people are drug traffickers are moving into the city on a daily basis from as far south as South America. Livesey, recently returned from Mexico's murder capital, says that the Mexican military is showing evidence that it is supporting the Sinaloa Cartel in it's bid to take out the local Juarez Cartel for this key transportation corridor. In addition to this corrupt Mexican army that supports their handpicked cartel, the Mexican Zeta Cartel were U.S. trained at Fort Benning Ga ,aka School of the Americas. We're forgetting that most of the Zeta Cartel Were Mexican army commandos that went rogue after being sent to the USA. They came back with all US/CIA training and developed a technically and efficient killing mercenary army and were hired by other cartels to kill and protect.They moved on and formed their own cartels. Once again here is another monster killing machine formed by the United States CIA. It really makes you wonder. WATCH THIS VIDEO. added by: keithponder