Tag Archives: sinanaj

Myla Sinanaj Voicemail to Kris Humphries: "I Have Way More $h!t I Can Put Out!"

Kris Humphries’ ex-girlfriend Myla Sinanaj threatened to release sordid details about their relationship, according to a voicemail posted on TMZ . Sources say after Myla and Kris’ relationship was exposed, he broke off all contact with her and she was PISSED, calling him 17 times. No response. Irate, she began dialing up his friends too and threatening to “expose” Kris. That’s when Myla apparently left a message, demanding that Kris stop stonewalling her and return her calls, allegedly threatening to one friend: “If he’s going to play me like that, I have way more sh!t I can put out.” The voicemail does not show Myla Sinanaj plotting or committing extortion against Kris , as he has claimed … but he has turned it over to the FBI. Alleged extortion aside, Kris apparently wants to muzzle Myla because his tryst with her will hurt his divorce case against Kim Kardashian somehow. Myla’s attorney has demanded he apologize and retract the extortion statement ASAP or he will be receiving a nice defamation lawsuit. Tacopina says Myla was indeed angry when she read that Kris was calling her a “booty call” and that she has proof of a “substantial relationship.” One that involves Myla meeting Kris’ parents, helping his sister Kaela shop for furniture, spending many evenings together at home cooking, and so on. After the voicemail leaked online, Myla Sinanaj apparently posted a flurry of bitter tweets to the NBA star hammering him for that too. This situation? Real normal.

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Myla Sinanaj Voicemail to Kris Humphries: "I Have Way More $h!t I Can Put Out!"

The Bachelorette Preview: Final Three Revealed?

The producers of The Bachelorette are running a tight ship this season, with little or no information thus far about who wins Emily Maynard’s final rose. At the same time, two extended previews airing at the end of last night’s episode on ABC revealed plenty of details for those who paid attention. The first preview, for next Monday’s episode, is comprised of clips entirely from Croatia … with Ryan emerging as the latest of this season’s villains . Or so it would appear. In any case, it gets much more revealing than that. The Bachelorette Episode 806 Promo The second part of the preview involves clips from later this season, and shows the guys rumored to be Emily’s final three with her in Curacao. We’ll withhold names in case you haven’t seen it or really don’t know, but you can see all three different fellas on dates with her in the tropics. Emily has clearly grown close to all three already, so it’s no surprise that she drops the obligatory “falling in love with several people” line. What is surprising? The lack of final rose ceremony clips, even of just Emily. Either all The Bachelorette season finale footage is under total lockdown in a bank vault somewhere, or we’re in for a non-traditional ending. Could it be that the Southern Belle doesn’t even hold a final rose ceremony, and chooses her mate straight from the final three, not two? Just one theory, but it may have merit. As always, stay tuned.

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The Bachelorette Preview: Final Three Revealed?

Myla Sinanaj Fires Back at Kris Humphries, Demands Retraction

You’ve gotta hand it to Kris Humphries: when things end for him and a female, they REALLY end for him in that female. Already embattled in a legal feud with Kim Kardashian , the NBA power forward might reportedly get sued by Myla Sinanaj, the hotel employee Humphries dated for a few months this year, only to then accuse of extortion and threaten with the FBI . Joe Tacopina, a lawyer for Sinanaj, tells TMZ that Kris cannot prove any of his allegations and is besmirching the name of his client. And he best cut it out. “I defy them to show that she has asked for one red cent,” Tacopina says of claims that Myla is seeking money in exchange for silence over her relationship with the former reality star. “I challenge them to submit Kris Humphries to a polygraph and if he does I will have my client do the same.