Just when you thought Vanessa was about to walk about with that big fat divorce settlement check, she and Kobe are seen kissing in the tunnel on Valentines Day! From the looks of it, the two have had a change of heart. Word is the divorce is not “official” until June, maybe it’ll never happen…
It appears that Whitney Houston’s Mother, Sissy Houston, wants as little drama around her daughter’s funeral as possible. First, the family requested that NO public memorial take place. Now, there are rumors that Bobby Brown (Whitney’s Ex-Husband) has been banned from the private funeral to take place in New Jersey this weekend. From ObnoxiousTV Bobby Brown is “extremely disappointed” after hearing that several members of Whitney Houston’s family do not want him to attend the singer’s funeral … sources tell Mr. Obnoxious. Sources close to Bobby telling folks … people connected to the Houston family have reached out to Bobby to warn him that he shouldn’t attempt to attend the funeral because the family isn’t fond of him. However … we’re told Bobby has not received any OFFICIAL word from the family about his invite status.