Plus sized great grand daughter of a billionaire who like to sext her athelete boyfriend along with other girls…showing off her big tits and big everything…who has taken a move away from plus sized modeling…to focus on plus sized acting in movies…roles that she’s actually getting – which amazes me…if you don’t keep in mind that good things happen to rich people and good things happen to busty girls…even when they are fat…because their monster tits at 18 generated a monster sized fan base – becuase dudes are basic and loyal to tits – even when the gut catches up to the tits as the tits move further and further away from being 18… This is her walking…because she’s not so big she needs to be in the motorized fat person walmart scooter yet…her tits in sweater…not too big to look like they’ve been eating all the junk food from walmart and she continues to be a fetish to very desperate and sad 40 year olds… I like how conservative and white she looks…..looking like she’s straight for the tennis club she barely broke a sweat, too busy talking about how the jews and the blacks are ruining the world…and the country club….all WASPY as fuck…like she’s not a naked, half naked model… To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Sloppy Kate Upton in a Sweater of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Sloppy Kate Upton in a Sweater of the Day