Tag Archives: modern-science

Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Blac Chyna’s 2019 Surgery Goals Gets Dragged Did you know that Blac Chyna has had plastic surgery done before? Yes, we broke it here first. This is probably quite a shock to you. Well, she’s being very proud of the way modern science has helped her achieve her body goals and posted up in front of her surgeon’s office talking about how she’s going to change things heading into 2019. Good for her. Well, not everyone felt like celebrating this move. Twitter and her IG comments were full of all the petty. Take a look… Blac Chyna posting pics about getting more plastic surgery in 2019. What Rob paid for didn’t come with a manufacturers warranty? — Dear Ashley… (@asj519) December 16, 2018

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Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Blac Chyna’s 2019 Surgery Goals Gets Dragged Did you know that Blac Chyna has had plastic surgery done before? Yes, we broke it here first. This is probably quite a shock to you. Well, she’s being very proud of the way modern science has helped her achieve her body goals and posted up in front of her surgeon’s office talking about how she’s going to change things heading into 2019. Good for her. Well, not everyone felt like celebrating this move. Twitter and her IG comments were full of all the petty. Take a look… Blac Chyna posting pics about getting more plastic surgery in 2019. What Rob paid for didn’t come with a manufacturers warranty? — Dear Ashley… (@asj519) December 16, 2018

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Y’all Got No Chill: Here’s What Happened When Blac Chyna Took A Pic In Front Of Her Surgeon’s Office To Make Changes For 2019

Christie Brinkley Granny Tits of the Day

Christie Brinkley is a freak of nature, and by nature, I mean she’s a vapid, vain, image conscious model, who hasn’t allowed herself to get fat, but has allowed herself to get the best hair and make-up, as well as BOTOX and other cosmetic procedures, because she’s not fooling me…there’s still a grey and dead pussy under this smoke and mirrors… I am all for everyone being robot, freaks of nature, thanks to modern science and cosmetic procedures, because I like to judge the book by the cover, I like to think the surface is more important than the substance inside, and I figure women are all sugar baby hookers regardless of what they look like, so they might as well look good doing it. Right. Right. I always like wanting to fuck creepy zombie women pushing 100 years old looking like this. It’s magical – or as magical as magical is – all trickery sent from the devil… Either way, let’s celebrate how she is outlining what is important…Always look your best girls…with your freaky model smile…..that you can’t stop giving because you’re sewed up that way… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Christie Brinkley Granny Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christie Brinkley Granny Tits of the Day

Diane Kruger is Hot in a Red Bikini of the Day

40 year old Diane Kruger has a 40 year old face – but she’s recently single and she’s looking pretty fucking great – her body is pretty fucking rocking – her nipples are pretty fucking youthful – and as much as I hate 40 – modern science has made it not so bad to jerk off to – sometimes… My brain tells me she’s an old lady, I know she’s an old lady, we can’t hide that she’s an old lady…but not having kids and being of the Aryan German DNA that we can assume was modified to created a superior race – paid off… This is good..single life at 40 baby..I’d fuck it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE She did a not so shameless video on the beach.. A video posted by Diane Kruger (@dianekruger) on Aug 27, 2016 at 10:56am PDT The post Diane Kruger is Hot in a Red Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Diane Kruger is Hot in a Red Bikini of the Day

Billionaire – Nicola Peltz – Cheesy Inflatable Bikini Porn of the Day

Nicola Peltz is a hot rich chick who makes me laugh, not just because she’s doing a cheesy inflatable unicorn picture like all the fame-whores, last year the trendy inflatable prop was the massive swan, this year it’s this…a unicorn…ridiculous but that alone doesn’t annoy me or offend me. Anything to get a girl in a bikini, to show the world how good she looks in a bikini…because she looks good in a bikini….so thanks for the update bro.. But the funny thing is that she’s in a fucking movie…she’s a billionaire – yet she’s still low level instagram whoring in attempting to matter in the grand scheme of the entertainment world because money can buy her everything, even movie roles, PR teams and the best outfit and locations but it can’t buy the love and adoration of people everywhere….to validate her existence… Sidenote, she’s fucked Bieber… The post Billionaire – Nicola Peltz – Cheesy Inflatable Bikini Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Billionaire – Nicola Peltz – Cheesy Inflatable Bikini Porn of the Day

Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day

Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ fat daughter, who I guess is less fat, at least based on her back, because why the fuck wouldn’t she be fit, she’s got access to all the money in the world and all it takes is hiring a fucking trainer to whip her into shape on her schedule in her home gym….which would take work…so why work when you have all the money in the world and don’t need to work…or workout…and you can afford all that great food…. I mean that was before she was an instagram model – or aspiring instagram model – addicted to the fame from being on TV, trying to follow her mother’s lead, thinking she’s a little hotter than she actually is thanks to positive reinforcement, trying to be the kind of girl her billionaire KISS dad was into….all while being the collector’s item real KISS fans and collectors are OBSESSED with… Because she’s looking fitter than she was, but barely, she had a minute where she was about to breakthrough before realizing that plus sized modeling is IN..so bitch squeezed IN to some lingerie…to actually have photo proof that she works… The post Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day

Daniela Lopez Osorio of the Day

No idea who Daniela Lopez Osorio – but I’ll assume she’s some instagram whore on the rise- trying to make it in a world of so many instagram whores – not needing to be real models because modeling agencies will sign and promote anyone with some level of following – and luckily for all these girls – modeling requires no talent – just an ability to not feel like an asshole while posing like an asshole because you’re an asshole with an asshole I’d like to stick my tongue inside to try to eat whatever she had for dinner the previous night – not because I am into shit – but because I’m into hot girls trying to make it who look like this… So Daniela Lopez Osorio is alright. The post Daniela Lopez Osorio of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Daniela Lopez Osorio of the Day

Kylie Jenner Possible Nipple of the Day

Kylie Jenner proved that her tan is fake, her coloring is painted on, and that she’s not a black girl, half black girl, or an Armenian…you know because she’s created an ethnically ambiguous face thanks to modern science and fillers…and by ethnically ambiguous – I mean barely human, more like a cartoon, that coupled with all her photoshopping, makes for a sketch of a human and not an actual person….it’s weird.. But one thing she hasn’t modified yet is apparently that she’s got herself some white girl nipples – all pink and puffy and flashed on her snapchat like whores do…and it’s not her fault, it’s a family thing…it’s a born into a brothel thing… Here’s her sister no wearing a bra – because why not..maximize the over exposed garbage family.. The post Kylie Jenner Possible Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner Possible Nipple of the Day

Anastasia Ashley’s Hanging With Hookers of the Day

Professional surfer Anastasia Ashley seems to have been on a surf holiday with a couple of girls who I assume are surfers…. Or maybe they are more than just surfers…up on some instagram hookers who got into instagram when it was early and have since made millions posting daily bikini pics to their millions of followers who love their massive tits… you know a life of luxury funded by brands excited by their followers and rich dudes excited by their following and tits…which is nothing to really be embarrassed of, since even the Sports Illustrated models are on the hooker program, they just don’t advertise it as aggressively, or have a social media business that makes them actual money…those models make less than a Walmart worker…so they need rich guys to buy them fine Italian cars… All this to say, I hope the waves are good and no one is on their period getting eating by sharks.. All this to say, Anastasia Ashley’s ass is both from another planet…and the size of another planet… All this to say…whatever is going on here…is a good thing…. The post Anastasia Ashley’s Hanging With Hookers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anastasia Ashley’s Hanging With Hookers of the Day

Jane Fonda for W of the Day

I used to jerk off to Jane Fonda work out videos in the 80s…. I would still jerk off to Jane Fonda work out videos as a tribute to being able to jerk off to work out videos in the 80s…a simpler time for boners… But my VCR is broken… The sick thing in all this is that I’d jerk off to Jane Fonda in work out videos in her 70s…because old, leathery, but still hot in some weird granny fetish way..thanks to modern science and good living…unlike other Hollywoood rich kids who either die off due to drug overdoses thanks to neglect…or become Melanie Griffith…amd Kate Hudson.. All this to say….she’s a babe… The post Jane Fonda for W of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jane Fonda for W of the Day