Tag Archives: slam-the-door

Charlie Sheen Doesn’t Like Farrah Abraham as Much as Me of the day

Being the > Teen Mom Farrah Abraham hub of the internet, you know the unofficial fan club that I am president of, I feel obligated to post this Charlie Sheen letter to her, that I can assume was designed by both their PR teams, to generate some buzz for both of them…and I am OK with that, because I love the bottom feeding cries for attention, especially cuz it comes with amazing porn….that isn’t that great…but great to me…from the way she fucks and squirt and takes it up the ass cuz she’s learned her lesson getting pregnant the first time, even though it made her famous, to the fact that it shows us just what fame does to a slut… I’m a fan… “hey, you desperate guzzler of stagnant douche agua; I truly do not recall giving you permission to globally reveal any communication between us. congrats on surviving your lobotomy and an even bigger congratz on the recent attempt at porn. your daughter must be so proud. please send my number to middle earth and if allowed, eagerly follow it into said abyss and slam the door behind you. the world will collectively sigh as the pungent memory of you vanishes into the pedestrian troposphere of lame-suck and zero-life. oh and I’m sure they’ll wave the cover charge when they see your tranny-boobs and five o’clock shadow. bye! cs. I think he coulda done better…. To see the highlight reel of her sex tape FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Charlie Sheen Doesn’t Like Farrah Abraham as Much as Me of the day

Random Ridiculousness: North Carolina Mom Has Son Arrested For Stealing Her Pop-Tarts

Damn, that’s cold turning your son in over Pop-Tarts. Son Arrested For Stealing Mom’s Pop-Tarts According to WBTW A North Carolina mother had her son arrested for allegedly stealing her Pop-Tarts. According to a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police report, the mother called authorities and reported her Pop-tarts were stolen by her juvenile son. Officers arrested the son and charged him with misdemeanor larceny on Monday night. A reporter for WCNC-TV in Charlotte waited more than two hours for the mother, Latasha Renee Love, age 37, to come home Wednesday evening. But she parked her car a block away and went into her house on Goldstaff Lane through the back. The TV station reported that she came out briefly to use an obscenity and then slam the door. Charlotte police valued the missing Pop-Tarts at $5, according to a police report. Love, who police say had discipline issues with her child in the past, decided to have him arrested this time. The misdemeanor case against the boy will be handled in juvenile court. She on that n**** ish. Shutterstock

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Random Ridiculousness: North Carolina Mom Has Son Arrested For Stealing Her Pop-Tarts

Miley Cyrus — Momma’s Here Now

Filed under: Miley Cyrus , Tish Cyrus , Paparazzi Photo Miley Cyrus cozied up with her mother Tish today on the New Orleans set of her upcoming movie, “So Undercover.” Feel the motherly love. Read more

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Miley Cyrus — Momma’s Here Now

Dennis Hopper Estate Rejects Victoria’s Claim

Filed under: Victoria Hopper , Dennis Hopper , Celebrity Justice Dennis Hopper ‘s estate has rejected his estranged wife Victoria’s massive $45 million claim against the estate … this according to papers filed in court last week. The estate doesn’t slam the door completely on Victoria … they leave open the… Read more

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Dennis Hopper Estate Rejects Victoria’s Claim