Tag Archives: smaller-town

You Know You’ve Become A Real New Yorker When…

For those of us not raised in New York City, moving to the concrete jungle is an exciting, but huge adjustment. Everything in NYC is louder, bigger and bolder than anywhere else in the country . When you come from a smaller town, the diversity of activities, people, food and opportunities can be invigorating, but intimidating. In the words of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys, “these streets can make you feel brand new.” However, living in New York City does not necessarily make you a New Yorker. A real New Yorker, has mastered living with the fast pace of the city, has learned the lingo, and adjusted to the unpredictable nature of everyday life in the city that never sleeps. Here are eight tell-tale signs that you’ve gone from a bright-eyed NYC newbie to a seasoned New York City diva. ( Continued at MadameNoire.com )

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You Know You’ve Become A Real New Yorker When…