Tag Archives: snacks-on-top

21 Giant Dogs Who Think They’re Lap Dogs: Get Off Me Please!

We’re equal opportunity pet lovers here at The Hollywood Gossip , but there’s something about big dogs that just make us go all mushy in our heart parts. Especially when those big dogs don’t seem to be aware that they’re quite so big. Admit it. You’ve always wanted to snuggle with a St. Bernard. You know you have. If you’re lucky enough to be loved by a dog, you know just how adorable it is when they’re completely unaware of their size and try to do the things their smaller counterparts do. You also know how difficult it is to hide the Scooby Snacks on top of the fridge when the dog is as tall as the fridge. Yeah. #BigDogProblems #TheStruggleIsReal Take a look below at 21 enormous canines who are under the VERY false, sometimes painful impression that they’re actually lap dogs… 21 Giant Dogs Who Think They Are Small Dogs 1. Hugs Not Drugs Big dogs need love too.

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21 Giant Dogs Who Think They’re Lap Dogs: Get Off Me Please!