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Science? I Don’t Know Her: Rush Limbaugh Calls Hurricane Irma A Liberal Conspiracy Then Evacuates Faster Than His Hairline Did

George Gojkovich/Getty Images Rush Limbaugh Rushes Out Of Florida For Hurricane “Conspiracy” Rush Limbaugh spent the first part of this week acting as if Hurricane Irma was all some conspiracy used to sell bottled water and batteries. Last year, his story was a little different but still just as idiotic, suspecting that the storms were somehow part of a liberal conspiracy to push a climate change agenda. While Hurricane Irma was being advertised as a category 5 natural disaster, Limbaugh said things like: “You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.” How is it legal for Rush Limbaugh to undercut cat 5 hurricane warnings? If ppl don't evacuate & die because of him can't he be charged? — Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) September 6, 2017 “You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere”….BUT LIKE IT’S ABOUT TO, MY GUY. After dedicating his time to accusing the earth of pushing a liberal agenda, looks like Rush himself is evacuating Florida. He went on his broadcast on Thursday to announce that he could no longer record the next day’s program in the studio, but didn’t want “to get into details” and it’s “legally impossible for us to originate the program out of here.” Miraculously, science was right all along and hurricanes DO exist. Water actually does fall from the sky. And winds, they blow. Crazy how things work out.

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Science? I Don’t Know Her: Rush Limbaugh Calls Hurricane Irma A Liberal Conspiracy Then Evacuates Faster Than His Hairline Did