Tag Archives: soros-as-beck

TSA Gone Wild. Taiwanese Anime

Full body scanners and enhanced pat downs in private rooms are fueling anger among air travelers in the US. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is coming in for severe criticism while passengers are planning a boycott of the scans on Nov. 24 – traditionally the busiest travel day of the year. added by: CarlosBobthe3rd

Jon Stewart Discovers the True Puppet Master Behind Glenn Beck’s Anti-Soros Conspiracy

Stewart and crew are geniuses at comedy and poignancy. Once again they have taken to task their money-maker Glenn Beck over his conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a grand puppet master out to overthrow the American government. Soros as Beck explains helped to fund revolutions against Communist regimes but for some reason Commie-hating Beck finds no love for him. Stewart takes all of Beck's reasons why Soros is the grand puppet master and turns it back on Fox News in a much better way than Beck originally did with Soros. Brilliant! added by: SamuraiDave