Tag Archives: puppet-master

Selena Gomez Creepy Announcement of the Day

A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Oct 1, 2015 at 11:59am PDT Selena Gomez released this video of how excited she is to announce her North American tour for her shitty new album that I assume she just released, when she found the time, since she’s been busy sucking Taylor Swift’s dick…because as Taylor Swift’s career will prove…she’s a master manipulator…and as Selena Gomez’s recent interview in some magazine where she was quoted saying she idolizes Taylor Swift…because I guess Taylor Swift made it without being a product of Disney…and is her new Walt…or Mickey to idolize and to follow….to get through this hard, entertainer life…because she’s a puppet and every puppet needs a puppet master… Speaking of Puppet Master, this video would be so good if it was the opening scene of a horror movie..where’t the masked dude who creeps up on her to slit her throat when she spews her garbage self promotion shit all over us…like the little self promoting pig she is…or her belly would imply she is… The post Selena Gomez Creepy Announcement of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Creepy Announcement of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Bikini Selfie of the Day

In case you didn’t know, Jennifer Lopez is pretty fucking high maintenance. I guess that is what happens when you’re a vapid twat the world seems to think is talented. You know the kind of girl who is living her dreams – worth a fortune – and who still seems to think it is ok to TWERK. She posted this video her sister, who I assume is her sister, posted. If you aren’t too turned off by the horrible accent she’s got, you know straight to the core of all your rage…you’ll see her calling out her sister for being ridiculous – because of how dolled up she is at the pool…hair/make-up/a wrap – always ready for a paparazzi invasion – just in case…gotta look her best… She also posted the above bikini pic, cuz I guess when the paparazzi aren’t there, she is, and that’s enough to get a bikini pic from the right angle – to keep the vanity train rollin’…. I hate to admit it, especially considering her age, but her body is good.

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Jennifer Lopez Bikini Selfie of the Day

Anna Ewers Topless in Vogue Paris of the Day

Anna Ewers, a model you’ve never heard of, but like because her name rhymes with Sewers and Sewers turn you on as they are bursting with bodily fluids from strangers everywhere…your favorite. You’re the kind of sick fuck who will spend a Saturday night rolling around in feces that belong to people you don’t know – because people that you do know – find you so repulsive they won’t even take the time out of their days to shit on you…and you know when you’re not even good enough for someone to want to shit on you out of anger…you’re pretty fucking low level on the human chart of relevance.. Where as Anna Ewers, is totally relevant, doing a huge magazine spread for huge photographers, showing her huge tits…for people like us who don’t care about fashion to say Anna Ewers, a model we’ve got to watch… I should date her.

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Anna Ewers Topless in Vogue Paris of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Nipple on the Beach of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is probably at the point in her titty model, lingerie model, career where her nipple has been seen by pretty much everyone, that there is no need to really hide it on set… She’s getting paid big money, she’s tired or hungover, or a wreck, at least that’s what her face is telling me, from having to actually wake up and leave the house to let assholes take pics of her for I assume minimum 30,000 dollars for the day…You know doing what she’d be doing at home all day, laying around, but in hair and make-up not at home… I mean that’s the struggle…and when a tit falls out of a top…sometimes..it’s just all part of the job…comes with the territory – she’s a puppet and she may know it – but I have a feeling she probably thinks she’s a big deal and not a puppet at all…because rule number one about being a puppet master – is to never let the puppet know it’s a fucking puppet – otherwise it acts up.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Candice Swanepoel Nipple on the Beach of the Day

Ways To Tell A Man Is Too Controlling

Even the most independent and assertive woman occasionally wants to play the damsel in distress to a strong man who wants to sweep her off of her feet and save her day. Nonetheless, there are times when that protection can turn perilous if you’re dating a man who looks at you less as his partner and more as his property. The following red flags could mean your man is playing a game of puppet master: Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire

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Ways To Tell A Man Is Too Controlling

Jon Stewart Discovers the True Puppet Master Behind Glenn Beck’s Anti-Soros Conspiracy

Stewart and crew are geniuses at comedy and poignancy. Once again they have taken to task their money-maker Glenn Beck over his conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a grand puppet master out to overthrow the American government. Soros as Beck explains helped to fund revolutions against Communist regimes but for some reason Commie-hating Beck finds no love for him. Stewart takes all of Beck's reasons why Soros is the grand puppet master and turns it back on Fox News in a much better way than Beck originally did with Soros. Brilliant! added by: SamuraiDave