Tag Archives: the-territory

Anna Ewers Topless in Vogue Paris of the Day

Anna Ewers, a model you’ve never heard of, but like because her name rhymes with Sewers and Sewers turn you on as they are bursting with bodily fluids from strangers everywhere…your favorite. You’re the kind of sick fuck who will spend a Saturday night rolling around in feces that belong to people you don’t know – because people that you do know – find you so repulsive they won’t even take the time out of their days to shit on you…and you know when you’re not even good enough for someone to want to shit on you out of anger…you’re pretty fucking low level on the human chart of relevance.. Where as Anna Ewers, is totally relevant, doing a huge magazine spread for huge photographers, showing her huge tits…for people like us who don’t care about fashion to say Anna Ewers, a model we’ve got to watch… I should date her.

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Anna Ewers Topless in Vogue Paris of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Nipple on the Beach of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is probably at the point in her titty model, lingerie model, career where her nipple has been seen by pretty much everyone, that there is no need to really hide it on set… She’s getting paid big money, she’s tired or hungover, or a wreck, at least that’s what her face is telling me, from having to actually wake up and leave the house to let assholes take pics of her for I assume minimum 30,000 dollars for the day…You know doing what she’d be doing at home all day, laying around, but in hair and make-up not at home… I mean that’s the struggle…and when a tit falls out of a top…sometimes..it’s just all part of the job…comes with the territory – she’s a puppet and she may know it – but I have a feeling she probably thinks she’s a big deal and not a puppet at all…because rule number one about being a puppet master – is to never let the puppet know it’s a fucking puppet – otherwise it acts up.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Candice Swanepoel Nipple on the Beach of the Day

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Photos

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State or Iraq and the Levant, yesterday appeared on a 19-minute audiotape calling on Muslims to come to the territory his group has seized to help build an Islamic state. A meeting was soon organised with ISIS overall chief Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, an Iraqi, in which al Shishani pledged loyalty to him, say reports. He first showed his battlefield prowess in August 2013, when his fighters proved pivotal in taking the Syrian military#39;s Managh air base in

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Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Photos

Some New Amber Rose Porn Publicity Stunt Pics of the Day

I don’t care about Amber Rose…she’s some hip hop groupie who fucks the biggest hip hop stars and pretends she’s a model…when really she’s just a whore…into hip hop stars… So when I see nude pics of her, I don’t give a fuck, cuz being a whore, getting naked is part of the territory… She is straight up bottom feeder, worse than a kardashian and this is her way of getting people to look at her…cuz everyone looks at the big naked chick in the corner screaming for attention…right…right… I feel like I’ve seen these before…but I’m too tired to bother looking for old Amber Rose posts I’ve posted…So click the link to get to them…watching a bitch bottom feed to stay relevant is always good times… If you care FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Some New Amber Rose Porn Publicity Stunt Pics of the Day

Russia’s Far East accident

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Russia’s Far East accident

Toyota Australia employees strike

According to acting national secretary for the vehicle division of the Australian Manufacturing Workers#39; Union, Dave Smith, the employees have not had a pay rise since early 2010, but Toyota could only offer an immediate one percent rise. He said Toyota approached the union on Thursday with a two-year agreement which would involve an immediate 500 U.S. dollars payment and a one percent rise, plus three percent rises in April 2012 and 2013. More than 3,000 employees on Friday walked off the

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Toyota Australia employees strike

REVIEW: Stellan Skarsgård Leads Moody Ex-Con Drama Somewhat Gentle Man

The stoic drama A Somewhat Gentle Man is photographed in a palate of steel gray tones that match Stellan Skarsgård’s complexion. It’s a low-blood-pressure version of the kind of thing James M. Cain used to do in his sleep, and its filmmaking accomplishment is as minimalist as its narrative ambition is minimal. Man has the confidence of knowing exactly where it wants to go, and when it wants to arrive; however, you may be just as familiar with the territory as the driver.

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REVIEW: Stellan Skarsgård Leads Moody Ex-Con Drama Somewhat Gentle Man

Jennifer Lopez Sued for $10 Million in Nuisance Lawsuit

Sometimes stupid lawsuits come with the territory of being famous … cut to a lawsuit that was just filed against Jennifer Lopez by the girlfriend of Jennifer’s first hubby. Claudia Vazquez just filed the $10 million lawsuit against Jennifer, claiming… Read more

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Jennifer Lopez Sued for $10 Million in Nuisance Lawsuit

The Beauty and Ugly of Parageography.

A map with a moral compass. “A map is not the territory”,….unless the territory IS Parageography,…in which case the map is an example which IS the territory,….. Oh never mind. Enjoy the map. If you love maps of allegory, worlds of imagination, wit, and humor, this should satisfy. Michael J. Helgerson

Chloë Moretz Should Probably Add Inglourious Basterds To Her Netflix Queue

As part of the wall-to-wall media blitz happening with Kick-Ass at the moment, Movieline’s favorite teenager, 13-year-old Chloë Moretz , gets her due in the New York Times this weekend. The profile (online now, in the paper tomorrow) traverses much of the territory you’d expect — her character, Hit Girl, might curse, maim and kill, but it’s okay because Chloë’s so aware and adjusted! — but does reveal one interesting bit of minutia: Quentin Tarantino is safe for children.

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Chloë Moretz Should Probably Add Inglourious Basterds To Her Netflix Queue