Anna Ewers, a model you’ve never heard of, but like because her name rhymes with Sewers and Sewers turn you on as they are bursting with bodily fluids from strangers everywhere…your favorite. You’re the kind of sick fuck who will spend a Saturday night rolling around in feces that belong to people you don’t know – because people that you do know – find you so repulsive they won’t even take the time out of their days to shit on you…and you know when you’re not even good enough for someone to want to shit on you out of anger…you’re pretty fucking low level on the human chart of relevance.. Where as Anna Ewers, is totally relevant, doing a huge magazine spread for huge photographers, showing her huge tits…for people like us who don’t care about fashion to say Anna Ewers, a model we’ve got to watch… I should date her.
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Anna Ewers Topless in Vogue Paris of the Day