Tag Archives: bottom feeder

Hailey Baldwin Tits of the Day

I have facial recognition blindness, so I have no idea if this is bottom feeder Hailey Baldwin, wearing a wig in a push up bra, but she did post it on her social media, any my pervision – seems to see nipple, because she doesn’t have quite enough tit to get the cleavage she’s going for – and that may be a 1/4 nipple – which I guess may not be a nipple at all.. I mean she’s a Christian girl raised in a Christian family by her ex womanizing drug addicted father who’s love for Christ seems like a bit of a farce, despite his passion for it, like her modling career….yes I know Stephen Baldwin well enough to say this, I saw him on of the apprentice once and it was enough… I also know that Hailey Baldwin will end up succeeding, she’s positioned to succeed and people are too lazy to not let her succeed….but at least she’s got titty pics on her feed, the right approach to take if you ask me and really anyone looking at what this bootleg Kardashian is good for. The post Hailey Baldwin Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailey Baldwin Tits of the Day

Lea Michele’s Cleavage of the Day

I know what you’re thinking – and that is that Lea Michele is a dude, how could she have cleavage, but you’re forgetting that she plays a woman on TV and that Bruce Jenner has cleavage and he’s a dude, not to mention as an Obese man, I can have cleavage and there are a handful of men, who I always laugh at and will regret laughing at, who even get breast cancer and have to get mastecomies I guess she’s either jacked up hormone therapy to complete her transition, or maybe she’s got breast implants, along with face fillers because this isn’t what she used to look like, or maybe she just hit puberty because she was stunted to get into Hollywood… Here’s an old pic of her in a bathing suit… There’s a lot of pressure being average at best looking in Hollywood, even with a voice of an angel, but at least she’s trying to keep up with the instagram whores dudes prefer jerking off to rather than embrace her flaws and start campaigning for body positivity…. I guess what I am saying is unattractive girls look better with tits.. Here is a lingerie looking pic she posted on social media… The post Lea Michele’s Cleavage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lea Michele’s Cleavage of the Day

Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day

Charlotte McKinney scammed some free birthday trip to Vegas on the Casino plane because she’s been on TV and is low – very low level famous… I guess part of the pitch she sent to the the Casino for the free trip was that along with her own social media – she’ll also guarantee paparazzi pics get picked up… So knowing she’s a bottom feeder, she had the option of pulling out a tit or a tamer panty flash because it is her birthday, a new year of whoring and she wants to do things a little classier… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day

Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day

Charlotte McKinney scammed some free birthday trip to Vegas on the Casino plane because she’s been on TV and is low – very low level famous… I guess part of the pitch she sent to the the Casino for the free trip was that along with her own social media – she’ll also guarantee paparazzi pics get picked up… So knowing she’s a bottom feeder, she had the option of pulling out a tit or a tamer panty flash because it is her birthday, a new year of whoring and she wants to do things a little classier… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney’s Panty Flash of the Day

Kimberly Garner Christmas Whore of the Day

Kimberly Garner is some UK reality show bottom feeder, hence the Christmas themed half naked pictures she’s posting on the internet. I don’t even know what show she’s on, because I don’t care, I just know I’ve seen her in the paparazzi and she’s hot as fuck, and I also know that she used to follow me on Twitter and/or instagram, becaue I am relevant to the most desperate bottom feeders, but she doesn’t follow me anymore, which I guess means we broke up, but the nice thing about break ups is that I can still jerk off to her pics…if they were more of a sex tape than a shitty bikini selfie…

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Kimberly Garner Christmas Whore of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s and the GQ Men of the Year Awards of the Day

Kim Kardashian was invited to the GQ Men of the Year Awards, because either she’s built like a man, has a man face, or she had sex with every man involved, or maybe her man was involved in the bullshit somehow…I don’t really look into this bullshit too much, I just know that I am amazed that she’s still relevant, especailly when looking at pics of her awful body in what looks like a farm animal, squeezed into some kind of metal harness, that PETA would protest naked, if it wasn’t on an actual farm animal, but instead on a girl with the sex appeal of a farm animal…. I am amazed people still bother with this trash…I mean fat girls in skimpy clothes is obviously a good way to generate some attention…but people aren’t supposed to like it, but people do like it, and people keep her relevant and making money. The second people stop caring, she disappears. So I blame us, for this….we are the reason society is cracking at the seam…like this outfit…because it’s a bit too small for delusional Kim… Cara Delevingne Was There and she was looking her best… #454522622 / gettyimages.com #454522626 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FROM THE GQ EVENT OF OTHER BABES CLICK HERE

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Kim Kardashian’s and the GQ Men of the Year Awards of the Day

Jessica Lowndes in a Bikini on a Swan of the Day

Jessica Lowndes is some 25 year old Canadian who I have never met, even though I am in Canada, and you would think we all know each other, since Canada is one shitty small town filled with beavers, maple trees and ice, but I don’t leave my house and Jessica Lowndes lives in Los Angeles, being all “famous” thanks to landing one bullshit role on a bullshit show that is not on TV anymore, but that still make her think she’s more important and better than the people she’s left back home…even though she’s barely working now, but instead shooting slutty pics in her bikini for instagram, hoping someone will notice…like the bottom feeder she may not admit she is, but that she totally is….and luckily, I like bottom feeders, but that’s just becuase rim jobs feel good knowing that a girl is willing to lick your unshowered sweaty asshole, risking E Coli to please you…right…

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Jessica Lowndes in a Bikini on a Swan of the Day

Maria Menounos Does Fitness of the Day

Maria Menounos works out…fascinating that a bitch on some shitty entertainment show…that despite being on daily…is probably some of the worst TV programming out there…would work out…especially when she’s greek and like every greek girl I’ve ever known, loves anal because they culture was built on it…but more importantly has a fat fucking ass from all the Feta cheese and olive oil they eat….like a real fat fucking ass…that starts to form around 25 and never quite stops unless the girl takes extreme measures like fitness to make it happen… Fitness is something I think that coupled with an eating disorder, can be very beneficial to a woman’s bikini body…or in Maria Menounos’ case..her TV body.. I am not as crazy about this one as everyone else, but I was a fan of her VAGINA SLIP

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Maria Menounos Does Fitness of the Day

Nicole Trunfio’s Vagina Definition in Some Staged Bikini Paparazzi Pics of the Day

Nicole Trunfio is some lower level Australian model who latches on other more successful Australian models to make herself matter…But more importantly, in her quest for success…she has also modelled naked numerous times…and as much as I call her out on being some bottom feeder in PREVIOUS POSTS …I am still a fan of what she does…because it’s naked and I am a fan of naked…even when they pretend it’s top quality artistic shit…and even when it is bullshit paparazzi pics of her in a bikini jacked up what you can only imagine being well travelled labia…I’m talking them shits have seen international rich cock around the world…and it is part of why she’s here with us today…good girl. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Nicole Trunfio’s Vagina Definition in Some Staged Bikini Paparazzi Pics of the Day

Chelsea Handler in a Bikini of the Day

It is safe to say that the only reason anyone knows who this hack Chelsea Handler is, is because she was good at getting into this position… There’s a sex tape somewhere out there, some casting couch blow job shit, she’s a bottom feeder who reminds us all that being a whore means you can make it…as long as you can live with your vapid opportunist self…which she can…but she should trying living with herself in a one-piece… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Chelsea Handler in a Bikini of the Day