Tag Archives: sorry-milestone

Kidman and Jackman’s Newest Project

Australia may have bombed, but Rupert Murdoch isn’t going to hold it against Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. The Aussie movie stars have become the godparents of Rupert Murdoch’s two youngest daughters in an elaborate baptismal ceremony that also featured Ivanka Trump, for some reason. Says the Guardian : “The ceremony took place beside the River Jordan at what is traditionally believed to be the baptism site of Jesus Christ.” No pressure, girls! [ Guardian ]

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Kidman and Jackman’s Newest Project

Is 2010 the Year of the C-Word?

Kick-Ass doesn’t get released for another two weeks, but it seems like you can’t go two clicks of your mouse without stumbling onto another article about its intense language and ultraviolence; even the New York Times hopped on the bandwagon. Today’s installment comes from across the pond, though, in jolly ol’ England. A Guardian writer with the unfortunate name of David Cox laments the fact that 13-year-old star Chloe Moretz casually uses the heretofore verboten c-word during Kick-Ass . Says Cox: “A sorry milestone has been passed. The c-word has become acceptable parlance for children in mainstream movies. We’ll be the poorer for it.” And while it’s hard to argue with logic that level-headed, Moretz’s c-bomb is just one of the many examples thus far in 2010 that prove the final language taboo is on its way to being broken. Could this be the year of the C… ?

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Is 2010 the Year of the C-Word?