Tag Archives: sound-science

The Great Chinese Clean Energy Export Scandal

Photo via the WSJ The biggest story to break in the clean energy world in the last few days is certainly the allegation that China is breaking World Trade Organization rules by unfairly subsidizing its exports of renewable energy equipment and materials. An American union, the United Steelworkers, has filed a legal case… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Great Chinese Clean Energy Export Scandal

Anti-Science Attitudes the Last Thing US Economy Needs: Nature

Image via Salon In case you’ve been dozing through the last few years, sound science has been under attack in disciplines focusing on everything from climate to vaccines to alternative medicines. Yesterday, I excerpted an interview with a man whom many consider to be a champion of sound science — Simon Singh deftly articulated the public relations crisis science faces in the modern age . So I thought I’d follow up on the topic today, after seeing that the esteemed s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post here:
Anti-Science Attitudes the Last Thing US Economy Needs: Nature