Tag Archives: sounds-really

Justin Bieber ft. Jessica Jarrell- Overboard (Piano Cover)

** I played this by ear so I don’t have any sheet music (: Twitter: @sherylzhang MySpace: myspace.com —————— – Requested by ‘demilover28′. —————— Arranged this piano cover to sound more like a piano piece so it may seem a little fast if you’re trying to sing along ((: Added my own little composition in this piano cover, what do you think of it? Do you guys like it? Do let me know! I read all your comments (: ———————— Didn’t know about ‘Overboard’ at first but when I first listened to it, I loved it! It’s such a beautiful song! Jessica Jarrell’s really got a beautiful voice! I think Justin Bieber’s got a really solid album. His current single ‘Somebody to Love’ sounds really amazing too. He’s so talented. It’s really cool that he’s got such a wonderful career at such a young age too (: http://www.youtube.com/v/64NrTGpoKK4?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: Justin Bieber ft. Jessica Jarrell- Overboard (Piano Cover)

See the article here:
Justin Bieber ft. Jessica Jarrell- Overboard (Piano Cover)

What’s The “Booty Boycott” And Are You Strong Enough To Do It?!

Could you turn that down if it meant bettering yourself? Bartell Keithle has a plan to help you get your life together. He proposes that everyone take part in a “booty boycott”. Essentially, people would abstain from sex on the weekends to refocus their lives and better themselves. He believes that couples can get a closer, intimate connection if they abstain during the weekend and singles can focus on themselves and their plans. He also believes that couples that abstain can focus on other things like dating and getting to know each other instead of just taking it straight to the sack. This sounds really nice, but how many people you think will be playing hooky just to get some of dat a$$ during the week? The economy is no joke and people can’t get fired for trying to take Thursday nooners. Still, this seems like a novel idea. Do you think you could last with a booty boycott? Sound off.

Read more from the original source:
What’s The “Booty Boycott” And Are You Strong Enough To Do It?!

Lindsay Lohan’s Top Is A Little See Through

See now this is a see through top. Here’s Lindsay Lohan out on the lam the other day, doing her best to avoid capture by the popo by walking around in some tights and a see through top. Hiding in plain sight. Smart move. I heard a rumor that Lindsay was offered $50K to shoot a thirty minute video of herself blowing up balloons until they pop for some sort of fetish or something that I’ve never heard of and don’t really understand. For $50K why the hell not, I’d do it for a lot less. Anyhow, it sounds really weird…. I’d watch it.