** I played this by ear so I don’t have any sheet music (: Twitter: @sherylzhang MySpace: myspace.com —————— – Requested by ‘demilover28′. —————— Arranged this piano cover to sound more like a piano piece so it may seem a little fast if you’re trying to sing along ((: Added my own little composition in this piano cover, what do you think of it? Do you guys like it? Do let me know! I read all your comments (: ———————— Didn’t know about ‘Overboard’ at first but when I first listened to it, I loved it! It’s such a beautiful song! Jessica Jarrell’s really got a beautiful voice! I think Justin Bieber’s got a really solid album. His current single ‘Somebody to Love’ sounds really amazing too. He’s so talented. It’s really cool that he’s got such a wonderful career at such a young age too (: http://www.youtube.com/v/64NrTGpoKK4?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: Justin Bieber ft. Jessica Jarrell- Overboard (Piano Cover)
See the article here:
Justin Bieber ft. Jessica Jarrell- Overboard (Piano Cover)