Tag Archives: species-origin

Damon Lindelof on Prometheus’s Ending and a Handy, Spoilery Alien Infographic

The Prometheus post-mortem continues (really, the fact that it’s still provoking discourse says something… right?) with screenwriter Damon Lindelof talking end-of-movie spoilers with TIME Magazine. Namely, what does it mean that you-know-who does you-know-what with the whatsit at the end? Kidding! Dive in to hear the LOST veteran address the certain future of our heroes, plus: An infographic that breaks down Prometheus ‘s DNA in one handy chart. Spoilers throughout! First up, TIME talks with Lindelof about the smoke monster. I mean the android, David (Michael Fassbender), who pulls some seriously heinous moves in Prometheus at the behest of one master, only to seemingly switch allegiances at the end. Can Shaw (Noomi Rapace) trust David’s head to direct her where she wants to go, i.e. the space beyond space, from whence the Engineers of doom hail? Lindelof says yes, because David has a robot crush on her . I think they’re going where she wants to go. His fundamental programming has been scrapped. Weyland [the man who built and programmed him] is dead and so now his programming is coming from God knows where. Is he being programmed by Elizabeth, or is it his own internal curiosity now that Weyland isn’t telling him what to do any more? He’s always been interested in Elizabeth, remember that: He’s watching her dreams when she’s sleeping in much the same way that he watches Lawrence of Arabia . He’s a strange robot that has a curious crush on a human being , and when Weyland is eliminated, I think he is genuinely interested in what she’s interested in. He reaches out partly for survival, but partly out of curiosity, and I think he’s sincere that he’ll take her wherever she wants to go. Right. Well, interspecies relations have taken stranger routes in the Alien universe. Speaking of which, artist Carlos Poon whipped up a handy infographic (via the folks at Dangerous Minds ) to help your brain keep track of the origins of species in Prometheus . Alright gang, mysteries solved! Right? RIIIIGHT?? [ TIME , Dangerous Minds ]

Damon Lindelof on Prometheus’s Ending and a Handy, Spoilery Alien Infographic