Tag Archives: spectacularly

TV Nudity Report: Sense8 Christmas Special 12.27.16

It was a light week for nudity over the Christmas break, but Netflix came to the rescue when they gifted us the spectacularly skin-filled Sense8 Christmas Special!… read more

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TV Nudity Report: Sense8 Christmas Special 12.27.16

Bryan Wilson: Texas Lawyer Airs World’s Most Bonkers Commercial

If you're a fan of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul , then you know that Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman knows is the master of using ludicrous gimmicks to advertise his legal services. In the real world, Saul's only had competition in the race for Most Spectacularly WTF? Law Firm Ad came from a lawyer named Jamie Casino , who's Super Bowl spots basically look like Dick Cheney got Alice Cooper pregnant and the baby came out as a commercial. Now, however, there's a new name in the batsh-t lawyer game, and “Texas Law Hawk” Bryan Wilson is making a case for himself as the king of the bald-eagle-on-acid patriotic mindf-ck commercial. We can't come close to doing justice to Brian's commercial with a mere description, so check out the clip and experience Wilson's “talons of justice” for yourself.

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Bryan Wilson: Texas Lawyer Airs World’s Most Bonkers Commercial