Tag Archives: spent-the-week

Rae Rodriguez Topless for Apple Season of the Day

It’s apple season up in Canada where all the world’s apples are likely not from, but where every suburban asshole and his shitty family seem to get together to go apple picking in a weird weekend activity for a half mexican lazy dude like me who thinks “apple picking is for migrant workers, where’s the humor or fun in picking your own damn apples, and how did this orchard figure out you can get white people to do migrant work, and have them pay you to do it….”…genius really… Rae Rodriguez is some signed to IMG, which is a serious agency, model, so seeing her tits makes her more luxurious…even when she’s got a Mexican name and is eating an apple that you’d expect her to get paid per unit to pick, as that’s how the Orchards do it when white people aren’t paying to pick them themselves… I guess what I am saying is I spent the week drinking apple cider….becuase it’s cheap, magical, and from the earth…I figure if you rot any fruit to make it boozy, I’m a fan…and I guess I’m just muttering on about nothing when really you just want to see the damn model tits and you aren’t even reading this. The post Rae Rodriguez Topless for Apple Season of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rae Rodriguez Topless for Apple Season of the Day

Taylor Armstrong Accuses Late Husband of Spying, Paranoia

It’s been far too long since Taylor Armstrong bashed her late husband in public. But, don’t worry, the latest issue of Us Weekly contains excerpts from the reality star’s disgusting upcoming memoir , “Hiding from Reality.” In the book, Taylor describes Russell as a paranoid stalker, someone who constantly asked her about past sexual partners and even posed as a potential employer in order to run a background check on his wife with her alma mater. She even found a tape recorder under her home office desk once. “For the next nearly six years, I always assumed I was being recorded in the car and at home,” Taylor writes. “I was always careful to make sure the content of my conversations was very clear.” Russell supposedly defended his actions by saying he had “been burned before” and just wanted to get to know his wife as well as possible. Years after that discovery, Armstrong added, “I went into my email settings and found that he had set it up so that all of my emails were forwarded to him the moment I received them.” Taylor says she never changed the setting or asked Russell about this issue, and it’s not like we can get his take on the allegations. What a sad, pathetic, money-hungry woman.

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Taylor Armstrong Accuses Late Husband of Spying, Paranoia

Ashton Kutcher Reacts to Demi Moore Hospitalization with Silence, Random Tweet

Let’s be honest: Ashton Kutcher is likely very concerned about Demi Moore. The actor may have a wondering pecker , but his heart is not made out of coal. Kutcher and Moore were married for six years, after all. But in light of his ex’s hospitalization this week, Ashton has remained silent. He’s spent the week in Brazil, attending a fashion show on Sunday in Sao Paulo, and didn’t give TMZ a comment last night when approached by a camera outside a nightclub. But Kutcher – or his management team , we suppose – did oddly update his Twitter account this morning, linking to a story about journalists and bloggers that use “drone” cameras and writing: Citizen journalists take to the sky . Responded a follower to Ashton’s Tweet: Surprised this is where your focus is right now . [Photo: WENN.com]

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Ashton Kutcher Reacts to Demi Moore Hospitalization with Silence, Random Tweet

‘American Idol’: We Have Never Used AutoTune

Controversy over use of pitch-correction software on ‘X Factor’ causes show to release statement. By Gil Kaufman David Archuleta Photo: Fox In the wake of the scandal over the use of the pitch-correcting software AutoTune on the season premiere of the British singing reality show “X-Factor,” the producers of “American Idol” released a statement denying that they had altered contestants’ vocals during the competition. “We have never, nor would we ever, use Auto-Tuning during the ‘American Idol’ competition,” unnamed producers of the show said in a statement released Thursday, according to the Associated Press . No allegations had been made that “Idol” had employed the technology, but the blowback from the “X-Factor” scandal was so bad that it seems “Idol” brass felt they needed to nip any suggestions in the bud. As the AP noted, singers on “Idol” are often criticized for sounding “pitchy”; during the show’s most recent season, mop-haired finalist Tim Urban was often so clearly out of tune that his run on the show surprised many longtime watchers. There have been other mini-scandals on “Idol,” such as the admission last year that the group sing-alongs that begin the results shows are lip-synched . But no one has suggested that performances that count toward the competition are tweaked. In response to the controversy, judge and producer Simon Cowell said, “people have got to be able to trust ‘The X Factor’ … we are not faking anything,” and promised that AutoTune will not be used again on the show. The Daily Mail reported that Cowell spent the week speaking to producers of the show — which he will bring to the U.S. in 2011 — and that an episode originally intended to air on September 4 will be shown this Saturday in an effort to move beyond the doctored-vocals scandal. Producers of the show claimed that AutoTune was only used to clean up sound from the audition footage, which is shot in a studio where there are more than 40 microphones in the room. But even a cursory listen to the tweaked bits from last week makes clear that the software beloved by musicians from T-Pain to Sean Kingston was used to clean up shaky vocals from a number of contestants. “X Factor” sources have admitted that AutoTune has been employed in the past as well, but denied that it had been used to make some singers sound better and others worse for entertainment purposes. Though “Idol” producers made the pre-emptivestrike against AutoTune , they still did not pull back the curtain on the most pressing “Idol” issue: who are the show’s new judges? With the fresh faces expected to take their seats after Labor Day, “Idol” watchers are eager to get confirmation on reports that Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and singer/actress Jennifer Lopez have joined the panel. Do you believe that “American Idol” has never used AutoTune? Let us know in comments below. Related Artists David Archuleta

See the article here:
‘American Idol’: We Have Never Used AutoTune