Tag Archives: spike-on-top

Random Ridiculousness: Baggy Panted School Burglar Gets Caught Upside Down With His Balls Outs On Fence

Alleged Burglar Gets Caught By His Pants On Fence A man attempting to burglarize a school in Tucson , Arizona was caught red handed by the school’s lock smith this week. According to Tucson News Now , a locksmith working on the campus spotted a man trying to get into rooms during the student’s spring break. When the man saw the locksmith he ran and tried to jump back over the school’s spiked fence, but his baggy pants got caught on the spike on top of the gate, leaving him literally caught with his pants down. Witnesses,  Jesse Sensibar  and Kristin Woodall were passing by and decided to snap a photo of the man with his azz out. The photo has since gone viral on Facebook. Sensibar said he circled back around and thought to help the man get off of the fence, but that’s when he heard Tucson police approaching the scene. The unidentified perpetrator was arrested on site, according to the two witnesses. What an idiot!

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Random Ridiculousness: Baggy Panted School Burglar Gets Caught Upside Down With His Balls Outs On Fence