Tag Archives: spoiled-twats

Cinthia Fernandez Naked in Hombre Argentina April 2012 of the DAy

Her name is Cinthia Fernandez, she’s in Hombre Argentia, some magazine that I guess is the equivalent of Maxim and other low grade shit, and she’s wearing a thong…showing off her spic ass….relatively uneventful, uninteresting, and maybe even a little too muscular, leading one to think she may have been born with a penis and early on in her career, she was a hired lady boy to German tourists, but I’m posting it anyway, you know to switch it up, and tap into international markets, I’m clever like that….I figure there’s at least 10,000,000 other Cinthia Fernandez’s in the world googling themselves and hopefully ending up here…making me rich cuz I need a private jet to impress some cunt on Facebook….you know I like the important things in life. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Cinthia Fernandez Naked in Hombre Argentina April 2012 of the DAy

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Daughter in a Bikini of the Day

I saw these pictures yesterday and figured I didn’t need to rush them to the fucking site because Schwarznegger’s daughter in a white bikini is only interesting because of the emotional trauma this cunt has gone through the last few years, with her parent’s divorce, her dad’s cheating, disgracing the family, and making her hate men, a great recipe for damaged spoiled twats, eager to fuck, with no real value on relationships, because she expects them all to fail, I mean just look at what happened to the pure love her parents had…..leading to lots of cock in pussy to fill that void…poor little rich girl…come sit on my fucking lap. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Daughter in a Bikini of the Day