Tag Archives: stare-at-their

Lucy Pinder is Busty in an Unknown Shoot of the Day

This post is dedicated to Glamour Model fighter….Travis…who hates girls with big breasts and who are willing to show off their big breasts in exchange for money and fame in the UK…. Like I said earlier today…..it is a kinda weird thing to hate on…considering girls who are willing to show off their retarded big tits for such simple and obvious reasons…are fucking awesome….and not just because they are usually broken and have daddy issues…but because I get to stare at their tits. All this to say…Travis is weird. Here’s Lucy Pinder in some bra shoot that is unknown…but lovely enough for me to stare at….

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Lucy Pinder is Busty in an Unknown Shoot of the Day

Blake Lively Looks Old of the Day

I don’t know if Blake Lively has had some work done, or if this is her natural face, but I do know that something’s not right about it. She looks old as fuck, a litle like a muppet, washed-up as fuck and she hasn’t even started yet…. I know 23 year olds from all walks of life, because I like to keep connected with the youth, it keeps me relevant, at least that’s what I tell them as I stare at their perky young tits…and not one of the 23 year olds I know has a hard face like this…I’m talking speed addicts, prostitutes, strippers, chain smoking girls with major repressed memories of being raped and molested by family memebers, tormented to the core, and they look fresh-faced compared to this…. I don’t get it, but here she is anyway, cuz you are all obsessed with this shit and I’m here working for the people…

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Blake Lively Looks Old of the Day

Jimmy Fallon Connects with Fans During Late Night Sensory Overloaded Viewing Party

There are two ways to look at Jimmy Fallon’s experiment this week, in which the NBC host watches his show at the same time as his East Coast audience and streams the experience live on his show’s blog while interacting with fans via multiple online platforms: 1) This is just like watching Late Night with a bunch of your bored friends who would rather stare at their laptops than have a conversation with you — or 2) This is kind of cool that a late night host wants to interact with his viewers. Although I was torn when I first tuned into the stream last night, I started to enjoy last night’s online viewing party as the ultimate “shared experience,” for good and for bad.

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Jimmy Fallon Connects with Fans During Late Night Sensory Overloaded Viewing Party