Tag Archives: steel-wire

American League Starting To Reassert Itself In Interleague Play

After a surprisingly strong start by the National League, it appears that the American League is starting to assert its usual dominance in interleague play. Numerous commentators praised the National League for showing well this season, yet that may have been premature.

See the original post here:
American League Starting To Reassert Itself In Interleague Play

Ballman: Nike’s 3,000 Ball Sculpture [PICS]

Nike is continue to impress with their advertisement methods. This huge sculpture, which has been named Ballman, is made with almost 3,000 footballs suspended from steel wire ropes giving the illusion that it is floating in the air. It is located inside shopping centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Go here to read the rest:
Ballman: Nike’s 3,000 Ball Sculpture [PICS]