Tag Archives: stevenslater

Fake Steven Slater Speaks Out, Party Host Admits to Embellishing Story [From The Mailbox]

Following our post about a Steven Slater impersonator crashing a Playgirl honcho’s party, fake Steven Slater emailed us—and impugned everyone else’s stories. “I never set out to impersonate him—I just happen to look the way I do!” More

Your Most Spectacular ‘I Quit’ Stories [Jobs From Hell]

In the wake of folk hero flight attendant Steven Slater quitting his job so spectacularly, we asked for your own tales about going out in a blaze of glory. Wow, you all sure have left jobs in creative ways! More

Did JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater Start the Fight That Led to His Exit? [Dubious]

JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater became an instant hero following his emergency slide-assisted resignation , prompted by abuse from a passenger aboard the flight. But now three other people tell the Wall Street Journal that Slater “instigated the confrontation.” What gives? More

JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater Is a Free Man [Heroes]

Steven Slater —the JetBlue flight attendant who walked off the job via inflatable slide and was arrested by the cops yesterday mid-embrace with his boyfriend —is a free man tonight after coming up with his $2,500 bail. More