Tag Archives: still-wrapped

Crazy Facebook Ass of the Day

I used to have a feature on the site I called “stepFAME” where I’d basically find some random chick and either put her on blast, that’s mainstream hip hop talk for rip into her for being a cunt, or I’d focus on how hot the bitch was, and I always ended the post with the line “I made you famous, bitch”….I am thinking about bringing it back, and I’m starting with this hispanic ass from Facebook that’s just bananas… So Vensea Tica Linda…I just made you famous bitch….if you are in fact a real person….even though I think this is some fake profile designed to lure boys into sending nude pics…but I am postin it anyway…even though she looks 15…..but I don’t think 15 year olds have asses like this…or post them to Facebook, so maybe she’s just got a young face…. To See Her Profile Follow This Link GO

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Crazy Facebook Ass of the Day

Keri Russell In Some Jean Shorts of the Day

I am not posting these pictures cuz I find Keri Russell hot. I am posting them because I know she has a massive fanbase of virgin losers who still jerk off to on of their Felicity box set, cuz they put the other one, still wrapped in plastic in their safe to preserve the shit, cuz that’s what Virgin losers do with their time, since they aren’t distracted by drinking, having fun, real life girls, and have time to do really weird shit that make normal people uncomfortable and that are probably the reason they don’t get laid….. See I don’t know what the appeal of Felicity was, and I don’t know why every virgin loser went nuts for the bitch and staged mock weddings with her in their head as they lay in their single bed wondering why the hot girl in class won’t talk to them, but since this is the internet, I am going to assume you are that virgin loser, and I feel for you, so these should bring some joy to your pathetic existence… Pics via Bauer

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Keri Russell In Some Jean Shorts of the Day