Tag Archives: straight-people

Lea Michele Ugly of the Day

I have heard straight people say this bitch is hot. That confuses me. I don’t even know why they know who she is, because she’s the star of Glee, which may be the biggest show on TV, but is so fucking gay, just knowing the shit exists makes you want dick inside your man pussy. I get why gay people like her, you know cuz they are gay, and she looks like a tranny, not to mention she can sing show tunes and that’s just stereotypical homo shit that makes homos cum their women’s panties…. I think Glee is the fall of our society. It is teaching kids that being gay is okay, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a queer, I just like when people used defy all odds to get dick inside them, you know from risking getting beat up, to lowdown hook-up spots in public bathrooms, to AIDS, cuz when being gay was a challenge, I knew the gay dude was for real… But now teenagers are being taught it is cool and okay to fuck each other, making the awkward kid jump on cock for acceptance, instead of really wanting it and I just find something lame about that….it’s like nothing is sacred anymore, everything is just mass produced shit. Either way, here’s the girl on Glee scary as fuck for the closet cases, looking like a monster ready to eat our straight kids and spit them out dancing lightly on their feet and limp writsted….and it’s just too bad she’s not actually worth sticking it to, since that’s what I look for in vagina.

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Lea Michele Ugly of the Day

Alexis Arquette Shows Off Her Tranny Panties of the Day

I never quite understood why tranny porn was as popular amongst straight people as it is. Is the shit like the unknown to them, making it like some kind of fantasy that could never happen like the shit they read about in comic books or maybe it the double set of tits fucking.

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Alexis Arquette Shows Off Her Tranny Panties of the Day