Tag Archives: strange-mother

Paula Patton Half Naked in GQ of the Day

Never have I seen a black chick look so white. She’s on some Michael Jackson skin bleaching hustle because like the 1940s, the light skin blacks are far more accessible to the racist mainstream….which sells movie tickets and magazines…..I mean unless she’s on some Halle Berry winning awards for being black and bitch was raised in an suburb amongst whites…cuz her mom is white shit….which is probably more like it…and I find that a whole pile of shit…I want my black women in movies to be fucking black….non of this half assed, half breed, half effort shit….and here she is half naked in efforts to get seats filled for shitty Tom Cruise movies….even though she isn’t all that hot….but she is half naked and that counts for something… Here’s the video….

Paula Patton Half Naked in GQ of the Day

LeAnn Rimes Bikini in Cabo of the Day

If you are able to jerk off to these pics you are a strange mother fucker who can pretty much jerk off to anything…that makes you real easy to please or a scary sexual deviant who needs to be locked the fuck up cuz you won’t be able to control yourself when something moderately hot comes your way….I don’t even thing you need for the pics to be of a chick…you just need to see skin….unfortunately, I’m not easy to please…the only thing good about LeAnn Rimes is that she proved her Christian girl wholesome marketing campaign was just that….a load of shit middle america bought into…because nothing you see on TV is real asshole. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

LeAnn Rimes Bikini in Cabo of the Day