Tag Archives: hustle-because

Jessica Biel in Bed to Inspire You Lasting Longer in Bed of the Day

Here’s a little / big and muscular possibly scary and married to the lamest effeminate motherfucker Jessica Biel in bed to inspire you to LAST LONGER IN BED …because when you see girls in bed, whether they are famous or not, you should want to make that moment last as long as you can, especially since it never really happens for you…seeing as you’re a socially awkward creep, but I guess you could still get that last longer in bed spray HERE to make your premature ejaculation masturbation better…whether looking at Jessica Biel in Yahoo! photoshoots or whatever other weird fetish shit you’re into..

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Jessica Biel in Bed to Inspire You Lasting Longer in Bed of the Day

Lara Stone in Calvin Klein of the Day

Lara Stone tried to sue me once, I don’t know if that was just her flirting with me, you know playing hard to get, or maybe she is just a bratty cunt who thinks people who post paparazzi pics of her shitty honeymoon deserve to be punished, since it is her private moment of officially winning at gold digging…. The lawsuit never went anywhere, because her shitty honeymoon pictures she wanted off the site were hardly as interesting as her model pics, that are for the most part topless and busty, and photoshopped and lit proper that make her look like less of a vile hag….and more of a lovely girl you’d masturbate to…like in this Calvin Klein campaign…that’s not all that amazing, but that made her more money than I’m getting for posting it, since Calvin Klien isn’t one of our corporate sponsors…even though they should be…. Here’s a Commercial…. Here’s another Commercial….

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Lara Stone in Calvin Klein of the Day

Rita Ora’s Big Tits for some Event of the Day

Rita Ora was at some event…because she’s always at an event. It’s her everyday hustle because the more people see her big tits, the more they will think she actually matters and is an actual talent who deserves everyone’s money and fame and fortune…because she feels like she deserves everyone’s money and fame and fortune…it’s called being an egotistical and entitled cunt…who is talented enough for the execs to shove ideas in her head that she’s more important than she is – because they need to make money when Rihanna’s not touring…and they might as well do it with this one. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Rita Ora’s Big Tits for some Event of the Day

Rita Ora’s Big Tits for some Event of the Day

Rita Ora was at some event…because she’s always at an event. It’s her everyday hustle because the more people see her big tits, the more they will think she actually matters and is an actual talent who deserves everyone’s money and fame and fortune…because she feels like she deserves everyone’s money and fame and fortune…it’s called being an egotistical and entitled cunt…who is talented enough for the execs to shove ideas in her head that she’s more important than she is – because they need to make money when Rihanna’s not touring…and they might as well do it with this one. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Rita Ora’s Big Tits for some Event of the Day

Paula Patton Half Naked in GQ of the Day

Never have I seen a black chick look so white. She’s on some Michael Jackson skin bleaching hustle because like the 1940s, the light skin blacks are far more accessible to the racist mainstream….which sells movie tickets and magazines…..I mean unless she’s on some Halle Berry winning awards for being black and bitch was raised in an suburb amongst whites…cuz her mom is white shit….which is probably more like it…and I find that a whole pile of shit…I want my black women in movies to be fucking black….non of this half assed, half breed, half effort shit….and here she is half naked in efforts to get seats filled for shitty Tom Cruise movies….even though she isn’t all that hot….but she is half naked and that counts for something… Here’s the video….

Paula Patton Half Naked in GQ of the Day