Miley Cyrus tricked her friends into getting matching tattoos as her…because when you are Miley Cyrus, you can make anyone in your inner circle do anything, because they fear being ousted by her and replaced with some other suck up loser who is just so happy to be friends with Miley Cyrus, because she’s a huge star, and by association, that makes them a huge star, I mean and even if it doesn’t it still gets them lots of instagram followers, and great instagram opportunities, like of the private jets they fly on, backstage and in the hotel room, all expenses paid to party with her, and all you have to do is what she says, like permanently branding her dog on your tit… I mean you’d probably do the same thing if it meant staying in hotels you don’t pay for, instead of the trailer park you call home…it’s a small trade off, unless you’re like me and you find everything Miley, except for maybe pics of Miley, totally intolerable…
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Miley Cyrus and Her New Tattoo Fashion Show of the Day