I like to laugh at Kristin Cavallari, not because she’s Kristin with an “i”, which is fucking obnoxious in and of itself, but I guess it differentiates her from all the other Kristen’s who spell their names like they’re supposed to, you know since she’s an individual or some shit, but because she had the balls to think think she was bigger and better than her MTV fake reality show and walked only to come back when the money started drying up and she realized it is all she’s good for. It’s almost like the time my favorite stripper at one of the clubs I used to frequent told me she was going to move to LA to be an actress, and my cynicism laughed in her face, in a “yeah, that’s gonna work out for you, see you next week when you get back” kinda way, and sure enough 6 months later, there she was, back on stage, only about 10 years older because the guy she had met who promised her the LA career, was actually a pimp and she spent those months on drugs and whoring herself……only to come back where she left off, substantially more damaged than she was before, all because of an insane fucking dream….only Cavallari just isn’t as hot…and probably doesn’t have as good of a stage show…. Pics via Fame
See original here:
Kirstin Cavallari Hits the Gym of the Day