Tag Archives: strolled-past

Jenelle Evans and Gary Head: Totally Back Together … at the Club!

Jenelle Evans isn’t on speaking terms with estranged husband Courtland Rogers, but she sure is getting along well with her former fiance Gary Head. The two have been having the time of their lives since he was there to comfort her during Jenelle Evans’ miscarriage (with Rogers’ child) last month. Now that she’s recovered, they’re hitting the clubs together! “Going out with the bessssst tonight to the O House ! :),” the always-unpredictable Teen Mom 2 star said on Twitter Friday, tagging Gary Head in the tweet. “At the barbershop getting fresh before the club,” Gary tweeted tagging Jenelle Evans in the tweet as well … clearly it’s a match made in Twitter heaven. Meanwhile, Courtland Rogers is on suicide watch at a local hospital, or at least he claims he is while he shamelessly begs Jenelle for another chance. Doesn’t look like that’s happening. Fans still don’t know exactly what happened between them, but Jenelle accused Rogers of cheating on her, abandoning her and assaulting her. Courtland did leave town a few days before she miscarried and was spotted kissing a girl on webcam, but beyond that, it’s really anyone’s guess. All we know for sure is that Jenelle apparently has no interest in making up with Courtland, and that she’s rekindled her relationship with Head. Evans and Head previously denied that they’re an item again. but these things change quickly. One day of Jenelle time is like a month regular person time. So long story short, Jenelle Evans and Gary Head may or may not be re-igniting their romance, but they sure are spending a lot of time with each other. Her former fiance has also gotten back into her Twitter profile pic, which for Jenelle is like sacred ground, since she virtually lives on the social network.

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Jenelle Evans and Gary Head: Totally Back Together … at the Club!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Pose Like Jesus

On vacation this week in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West strolled past the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. Did they snap photos like any regular, respectful tourist? Tweet their affection for Lord and Savior? Or actually strike the same pose as Jesus Christ Himself? Do we really need to tell you the answer? The Kim Kardashian baby bump is definitely prominent in the above photo, but we somehow doubt it’s the aspect most readers will focus on. What do you think of this act? Kim and Kanye posing like Jesus is…   So funny! So, so, so wrong! View Poll »

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Pose Like Jesus