Tag Archives: struggling-now

Audrina Patridge: The New Bongo Girl

The Hills may be over, but you can still see plenty of Audrina Patridge as the new face/body of the Fall 2010 line from Bongo jeans. It’s a prestigious honor. Young celebs such as Kristin Cavallari and Kim Kardashian have previously modeled the product, for which Audrina recently posed at Smashbox Studios in NYC. “I am thrilled to be working with Bongo!” the 25-year-old said. “Generations of women, including my mom and sisters, have loved this iconic brand, and it’s exciting to be a part of something that is so classically cool, American.” Bongo’s new line will be available at Sears and Kmart stores beginning in September. Check out the Audrina Patridge pictures below for a preview … although for a jeans campaign, there appears to be a strong emphasis on cleavage …

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Audrina Patridge: The New Bongo Girl

Tiger Woods Shows F-ing Respect For Golf

That whole schpiel about having more respect for golf in Tiger Woods’ public mea culpa? As insincere and manufactured as his pre-sex scandal image. Not that he’s Mel Gibson , but when he unleashes a string of vulgarities like he did at the British Open this weekend, it can’t help his public perception. The guy had no problems finding the hole for years – if you know what we mean! – but he’s struggling now! We mean his putting is way below average. Woods, who finished tied for 23rd and has not won a tournament in 2010, is heard berating himself in the clip below: “Why the f–k did you do that?” Pretty much what Elin Woods has been asking all year. Tiger Woods F-Bombs

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Tiger Woods Shows F-ing Respect For Golf