Tag Archives: student-claims

‘Avatar’ With Babies

A spoof for people who enjoy James Cameron, babies, or puns. So really: everyone. Everyone's a winner here. The Best Links: Via Unique Daily View

Jay-Z Not Amused By Mascot’s ‘Single Ladies’ Dance

This was the best moment of the NBA All-Star game, and it wasn't even on TV. Poor Benny. Watch

Where Are They Now: The Cosby Sweaters

There were originally hundreds of Cosby Sweaters. Many of Koos van der Akker's designs have disappeared into private collections , but there are four — including the infamous Comb Sweater — preserved and on display at the Museum of the Moving Image, in Queens. The Best Links: Cosby Sweaters: Pics, Videos, Links, News Urban Dictionary Defines “A Cosby Sweater.”: Links, Pics, Videos, and News Behind The Cosby Sweater: Pics, Videos, Links, News Museum of the Moving Image View

Laptop Spycams

TECH BUZZ : A Philadelphia high school is being accused of giving out laptops equipped with cameras that could be remotely accessed. One student claims he was disciplined for improper behavior based on a photograph taken in his home by his school-issued laptop. This wins today's “Least Credible Story Reported by Credible Sources” Prize. I kind of hope it's true, just because, holy fuck. The Best Links: School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Parents: school used webcam to spy on our kid at home School ‘spied on pupils at home through webcams’ School district accused of issuing webcam laptops to spy on students Robbins v. Lower Merion School District (PDF) Read