Tag Archives: surgery-ruined

Lindsay Lohan is Fun of the Day

#459250490 / gettyimages.com Lindsay Lohan attended some event where she wore what looked like a see through figure skating outfit, I know this since I am Canadian and spent many hungover Sundays jerking off to figure skating, only becausae it was the only thing on the free channel on TV…it was midget flexible girls flashing their panties…pre-internet porn…what the fuck was I supposed to do… That said, this Lohan thing is for a Cosmetic company, which is funny, because she’s looking so broken down, cosmetics can’t save her, and cosmetic surgery ruined her, she’s not even 30 year, but still rockin’ the face of Joan Rivers…in what makes no sense, until you factor in all the drugs she’s done… That’s not to say that I am not still a fan, that I don’t think she’s still the chosen one, or that I don’t have faith in her tits winning an Oscar…but it is to say…she’s still pretty broken…even when in this kind of see through top…and I love every second of it. #459244170 / gettyimages.com #459244192 / gettyimages.com #459244256 / gettyimages.com

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Lindsay Lohan is Fun of the Day