Tag Archives: survived-breast

Madison Beer at a Breast Cancer Event of the Day

Madison Beer is some stage parented girl who is barely famous – but possibly signed to Beiber’s record label – because Beiber likes hot young girls to either monetize or fuck like they were Selena Gomez before she went for the big black more popular cock in her quest to be relevant – calculated little child star… Madison Beer is best known for posting racy enough content to social media for the perverts.. She’s at some Breast Cancer event supporting Breast cancer by showing off her tits to make anyone who has survived breast cancer and lost their tits jealous of her tits… In a “look at that inappropriately dressed young girl”….to which we say “she’s empowered and can dress however she wants she’s a woman and it is her right”….to which I say “But why show off your tits when showing support to women who cut off their tits”….it’s like going to a blind person and bragging about how good you can see..or going to a AIDS walk and showing dudes all the unprotected anal sex you have because you got into unprotected Anal sex after they found a pill to prevent AIDS…or going to an amputee / wheel chair / paralyzed event and showing off your dance moves…it’s in bad taste…but young tits are alright even in bad taste..right.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Madison Beer at a Breast Cancer Event of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer at a Breast Cancer Event of the Day

Kylie Minogue has a 2013 Calendar of the Day

I am confused by the fact that Kylie Minogue has a 2013 Calendar…I am going to assume it is for some breast cancer charity bulllshit she is involved in…because she survived breast cancer…and fighting breast cancer is a charity I support..because I like titties….even when they are fake…. I am even more confused by the fact that I want to masturbate all over each and every month in it…

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Kylie Minogue has a 2013 Calendar of the Day

Charlie Bewley Didn’t Get The Warmest Reception

Twilight newcomer Charlie Bewley found it tough to make friends with the close-knit cast insisting that it took awhile for his famous co-stars to accept him. Bewley has confessed that due to the huge interest in the film’s stars–especially, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart — he struggled to feel accepted in the vampire clique — because they are constantly “on their guard.”

Video: Celebrities Who’ve Survived Breast Cancer

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month here’s a look at a few celebrities like, Christina Applegate , Cynthia Nixon , Edie Falco , Melissa Etheridge , Kylie Minogue , and Sheryl Crow who have survived breast cancer.

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Video: Celebrities Who’ve Survived Breast Cancer