Tag Archives: swipe-at-barack

Letterman: Obama Will Have Plenty of Time for Vacations When His One Term Is Up

David Letterman on Tuesday took quite a swipe at Barack Obama. During the opening monologue of CBS’s “Late Show,” the host asked the audience, “You know who else is on vacation?” Letterman answered, “President Barack Obama. And this is his, since he’s been in office, this is his sixth vacation.” Then came the marvelous and surprising punch line (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):  DAVID LETTERMAN: You know who else is on vacation? President Barack Obama. And this is his, since he’s been in office, this is his sixth vacation. Yep, he’ll have plenty of time for vacations when his one term is up. (LAUGHTER) He’ll have plenty of time. But they’re, they’re vacationing at the beach. He’s down there with Snookie, JWoww, and the Situations. (LAUGHTER) I’m 63, I never thought I’d have to say Snookie, JWoww, and the Situations.  Wow. If Obama is losing Letterman, the end must be near. 

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Letterman: Obama Will Have Plenty of Time for Vacations When His One Term Is Up