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Rickey Smiley & Eva Marcille Run Down 10 Rules To Cellphone Etiquette [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

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Source: Bravo / Getty Are you ever out and get annoyed by what people are doing on their cellphone? Rickey Smiley and Eva Marcille are breaking down cellphone etiquette for everyone that might need some help. One of the first things they talked about is how you’re sitting with a group of friends and someone pics up their phone. Then they try and have two conversations at the same time and it’s not cool. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Rickey mentioned that you should put up your church finger to excuse yourself. Eva brought up when some decided they’re going to FaceTime you and haven’t spoken to you in a minute. People can’t stand that and Rickey mentioned if you have a big face you might have to go get on a laptop because you can’t see the persons face. Another rude thing that people do is have a whole conversation using the speaker phone feature. RELATED:  Eva Marcille Tells What She Said To NeNe Leakes After Gregg Leakes’ Cancer Diagnosis [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] Rickey said he’s been out so many times and seen it and it’s not good etiquette. Eva spoke about how someone can text and call you several times when it’s not an emergency and how it’s annoying because clearly you’re busy so you can’t pick up. They also brought up texting while driving and how it’s not safe. Do you practice good cellphone etiquette? RELATED:  Black Tony Confuses Eva Marcille For Eve & Evelyn Lozada [EXCLUSIVE] Listen to “ The Rickey Smiley Morning Show ” 6am ET. RELATED:  Rickey Smiley Lists What People Should Be Doing Differently With Cell Phones [EXCLUSIVE] [ione_media_gallery src=”https://rickeysmileymorningshow.com” id=”1919745″ overlay=”true”] READ MORE STORIES ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Bill Cosby Might Be In Prison On Monday Rickey Smiley & Eva Marcille Run Down 10 Rules To Cellphone Etiquette [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] The Rewind – MGK Needs Weezy’s Pistol, Swizzy Teases “Poison” Follow @TheRSMS

Rickey Smiley & Eva Marcille Run Down 10 Rules To Cellphone Etiquette [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]