Tag Archives: t.j. miller

What People Do for Oprah: Hugh Jackman Injured in Zipline Stunt

Oprah Winfrey is really enjoying her time in Australia. When she isn’t sailing around Sydney Harbour with close friend Russell Crowe — or shopping at local gift shops — she’s putting Hugh Jackman in grave danger. Well, not really: The Australian National Treasure received a cut above his right eye while taking part in a zipline-stunt-gone-bad at a taping of Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure on Tuesday. “That was so much fun,” said Jackman, “until the end.” Let’s hope that isn’t one of the taglines for Real Steel . Click ahead to watch the unfortunate hilarity.

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What People Do for Oprah: Hugh Jackman Injured in Zipline Stunt

T.J. Miller on Yogi Bear, Justin Timberlake and That Notorious Viral Video

T.J. Miller — perhaps best known to movie fans as Hud from Cloverfield — just wants to make sure you give his new film Yogi Bear a fair shake before you judge it. Then again, Miller, who in 2008 was named one of the 12 rising stars in comedy by Entertainment Weekly , has a bit at stake for this film considering that he theoretically could have been eaten by a real bear during his audition.

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T.J. Miller on Yogi Bear, Justin Timberlake and That Notorious Viral Video