Tag Archives: tabitha-taylor

Joanna Krupa’s Hotness Overwhelms

The other day I thought that the pictures of super hottie Joanna Krupa in her sexy ship captain’s outfit were hot, nautical themes turn me on, but this crap is ten times better. Here she is at some sort of Poland’s Next Top Model event giving us a good look at two amazing reasons why. I don’t know about you, but I could die a happy man if I just got to touch one of those things with my face. It doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, someone could push me from behind and as I fall I bump into one of them. I’ll seriously take what I can get.

Adrianne Curry Is A Topless Nerd

Career nobody Adrianne Curry is at it again, posting pictures of herself on Twitter wearing retarded nerd costumes while she trolls Star Wars or Star Trek or Star Search conventions looking for attention from desperate lonely losers. Here she is doing her thing in various half naked nerd outfits in front of her walk in closet. I know, it’s pretty lame, but, the good news is….. She’s topless. Good enough.

Tabitha Taylor Has Massive Potential

I have no idea who this Tabitha Taylor woman is, but there’s something I really really really like about her. I know I say that a lot, but most of the time it’s just because I can’t be bothered to write anything interesting about these chicks, but this time I really mean it. Honestly, I have no idea who she is, it doesn’t matter, she’s got tits coming out of her ears and I like it. Enjoy.