Tag Archives: tabloid-prodigy


To celebrate Passover, NachosNY has created a Matzah-themed nachos recipe & instructional video for a badass Nacho Seder plate. View

Ricky Martin Comes Out Of The Closet

Link: http://rickymartinmusic.com/portal/ne… Ricky Martin revealed that he's a ‘proud homosexual man’ in a post on his blog today. [ Ed's Note : Way to go, Ricky! Live your best life! p.s. This is actually not “Old,” it happened today!] The Best Links: via Tabloid Prodigy Read

Avatar, The Trailer

The trailer for the hotly-anticipated sci-fi flick from Titanic director James Cameron is out! [ Jack's Note : What is this movie about?

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Avatar, The Trailer

Crazy Bicycle Skills

Two German chicks perform some truly astonishing bike stunts. (Via Tabloid Prodigy .) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Balls on Fire

[ Jack's Note : I dunno.

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Balls on Fire