Tag Archives: take-on-some

Fire Me: 8 Pop Culture Figures Who Would Be Horrible Bosses

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Source: SplashNews.com / Splash News National Boss Day will make you think about the amazing bosses you had in the past and the not so great ones. Finding a great boss is hard work, especially when people rarely come off as perfect in the midst of work. But some bosses just shouldn’t be managing anyone. Sure you can take on some of the big decisions, but when it comes to interacting with humans, maybe you should leave that to the human resources department. Hit the next pages to find out which pop culture figures would suck as bosses and let us know if you’re quitting on the first day, or if you’d ride it out for the check.

Fire Me: 8 Pop Culture Figures Who Would Be Horrible Bosses

Dakota Fanning In Her Bra And Panties

They’re not the best quality, but here are some screencaps of Dakota Fanning from her new movie Now Is Good .  I haven’t seen it, but the synopsis sounds super depressing — trust me, if you want to keep enjoying these, you don’t want to know. Still, it’s nice to see that now that she’s over 18, Dakota’s starting to take on some more adult roles. Maybe she can play a hooker with a heart of gold next. Or just a regular hooker. Either works. » view all 11 photos Related Articles: Dakota Fanning’s Pants Are Falling Off Dakota Fanning Is Too Cute Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment

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Dakota Fanning In Her Bra And Panties

Dakota Fanning In Her Bra And Panties

They’re not the best quality, but here are some screencaps of Dakota Fanning from her new movie Now Is Good .  I haven’t seen it, but the synopsis sounds super depressing — trust me, if you want to keep enjoying these, you don’t want to know. Still, it’s nice to see that now that she’s over 18, Dakota’s starting to take on some more adult roles. Maybe she can play a hooker with a heart of gold next. Or just a regular hooker. Either works. » view all 11 photos Related Articles: Dakota Fanning’s Pants Are Falling Off Dakota Fanning Is Too Cute Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment

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Dakota Fanning In Her Bra And Panties

Miranda Cosgrove: From ‘iCarly’ Starlet To USC Student

MTV News rounds up famous folks who put aside their careers to go to college and what they had to say about it. By Jocelyn Vena Miranda Cosgrove Photo: MTV News Miranda Cosgrove plans to attend college this fall after she wraps up shooting the final season of her hit Nickelodeon show “iCarly.” Cosgrove felt that at 19, it’s the right time to take on some new experiences and live life as a headlines back in 2009 . She eventually left when she realized that her life as a celebrity was very different than that of the other students there. “I was in denial,” Watson told Britain’s in 2011 shortly after deciding to leave . “I wanted to pretend I wasn’t as famous as I was. I was trying to seek out normality, but I kind of have to accept who I am, the position I’m in and what happened.” What do you think of famous actors who go to college after establishing their careers? Tell us in the comments. Related Artists Miranda Cosgrove

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Miranda Cosgrove: From ‘iCarly’ Starlet To USC Student