Bristol Palin had a great run as a D-list celebrity. But it’s over. By choice or not, who knows. But following her appearance on the Dancing With the Stars finale, she realized life in the spotlight wasn’t all glitz and glamour. As a result, she high-tailed it back to Alaska, where she works the reception desk at a dermatologist’s office in Anchorage and lives with son Tripp. Aww. The turning point, Bristol tells In Touch (the official Palin family publication) came last September, when she was accosted at Saddle Ranch in Los Angeles. After footage of the altercation went viral, Bristol Palin realized she was done with show business and that she’d never felt totally at home in the Lower 48. “I wasn’t really into the Hollywood thing,” says Bristol, whose reality show was just nixed. “After that, I realized I was over it. I was ready to come home.” The best interest of three-year-old son Tripp was also a factor. “He’s going to be starting preschool soon, so we needed a routine,” she explains, from her temporary home in her mom’s TV studio on their property. “It’s great having Bristol here,” Sarah tells In Touch . “She makes good decisions, and she’s always thinking long-term about her and Tripp’s future.” As for Tripp’s dad, Levi Johnston. Bristol often sees him driving his truck, but “He’s not using his visitation, and he’s not paying his child support.” Is that true? Will he come out with an interview in Life & Style saying exactly the opposite? Will Sarah respond on Facebook? Who knows with this family.
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Bristol Palin: Working as Receptionist in Alaska!