Tag Archives: taken-the-wrong

Jodie Marsh is Scary for Loaded UK of the Day

Here’s Jodie Marsh modeling for Loaded UK and I know what you are thinking….a bitch wih tits this big and a body this ripped must have been molested as a child, or maybe even raped and beaten by various ex boyfriends, because she screams damaged….why would she dedicate to make a spectacle out of herself….committed to looking like a stripper covered in ghetto tattoos that you’d assume is on welfare trying to support her 4 kids with various dads cuz her stripper money goes up her nose….kinda thing….but that’s cuz you’re a jerk. I have spent a lot of time in strip clubs and I’d tend to agree that the ripped, loud hair, inked up bitch with stupid tits, thinks she’s the hottest thing in the place, even when she’s not, cuz she thinks the effort and work ad money she puts into herself is an investment, even though sometimes, there’s no return on the shit….but the reality she is in the magazines…so it must be working for her…..and here she is in Loaded September….a little scary, a little sexy….all muscle and silicone….

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Jodie Marsh is Scary for Loaded UK of the Day

Alex Vega Has Black Friends of the Day

Alex Vega is the girl in Spy Kids who you probably masturbated to when she was 14 cuz you like all Robert Rodriguez movies….but more importantly cuz you like 14 year old girls…you sick fuck. She’s of some Hispanic decent and I can’t call her a Spic cuz apparently that offends people, it is the N-Word of the latin American community, even though I see it as an abbreviation, an LOL of sorts….why type the whole thing out, we know what they are about….kinda thing….but I forget we are in a world of equal opportunity and affirmation action…where we fear addressing the black man as a black man because that could be taken the wrong way even though he is a black man and instead we try to address him as “The one over there in the white shirt”….to which I say “Who, the black guy”…..at which point everyone’s jaw drops….in an “OMG (abbreviation of Oh My God for those of you who hate abbreviations, especially when those abbreviations are the word SPIC)….”….. This is 2012 and we are all one fucking color….keep our racism in our homes and to our crossing the street when walking towards one late at night….cuz racism is in action not in words…so as long as we don’t say “Black guy”….we can pretend we love all people cuz we are all equal….like Alex Vega..with black friends….showing the world….she’s not racist…..like you are….especially when they are in bikini….. I’m not racist, I hate everyone.

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Alex Vega Has Black Friends of the Day

Lala’s Battle With The Press On “Lala’s Full Court Life” [RECAP]

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On this episode of “Lala’s Full Court Life”, Lala takes us behind the scenes of all her New York press tours. She heads over to “Good Day New York”, “The Wendy Williams Show” and our favorite, “Power 105.1′s The Breakfast Club Morning Show”. She seems to be feeling a bit better about her NY transition this week after doing her press runs, seeing Melo’s huge billboard near timesquare and spending time with her two besties, Dice and Po. Lala mentioned during one of her interviews that she hadn’t met any of the other Knicks wives yet and worries that her statement would be taken the wrong way and turned into “Lala against the Knicks Basketball Wives”. After clearing it up during one of her interviews, she heads to lunch with Dice and Po who decide to play a game and figure out who’s significant other loves them the most by calling them while when were working and see which one picks up the phone. After Lala called Melo and was sent straight to voicemail,  Po called her girlfriend was was sent to voicemail as well, Dice was successful in getting her boo to pick up the phone and was named the winner of the game. At the end of the show, we see Lala and Kiyan getting ready to leave their hotel in Tribeca and move to a home in Westchester until they can find the perfect castle for NY’s First Family. What did you think about last night’s episode? Get More: La La’s Full Court Life , TV Shows , Full Episode Video , Reality TV Shows Is Lala Pregnant Again? LaLa: “We’re Just Gonna Drink The Pain Away!”, “Lala’s Full Court Life” [RECAP] Boys vs Girls Naked Bowling On “Lala’s Full Court Life” [RECAP]

Lala’s Battle With The Press On “Lala’s Full Court Life” [RECAP]