A couple weeks after the Selena Gomez nude photo that rocked Instagram, this young singer is getting her Web-based seduction on once again. The 21-year old has posted a new, sexy self-portrait on that social media platform, including with it a caption that appears to address Justin Bieber . It reads: “That one time I had ma Latina texture going on.. Or just.. everyday.” Last December, when rumors surfaced that Bieber was growing close to a blonde model who took part in his music video, Selena Tweeted in response: “I thought he only liked the Latina category. Smh.” Well, he does appear to like that category again at least. A Jelena insider has confirmed that Gomez and Bieber are once more an item, though this same source shot down talk of a Bieber-Gomez marriage . Yes, the male artist gave his on-again girlfriend a new gold ring. But it’s not of the engagement variety. Selena has reportedly been fighting with her family and close friends over Justin because they don’t approve of this romance being rekindled, not after all the bad ways in which Bieber has treated his fellow singer. But it appears to be all good with Selena. And we’re guessing photos such as these are all good with Justin. 11 Sizzling Selena Gomez Photos Open Slideshow 1. Seductive Selena Gomez Selena Gomez gets her seduction on in this photo. It is courtesy of Flaunt magazine. View As List 1. Seductive Selena Gomez Selena Gomez gets her seduction on in this photo. It is courtesy of Flaunt magazine. 2. Selena Gomez Cleavage Pic Selena Gomez wears a very revealing dress in this photo. What do you think? 3. Selena Gomez Teen Vogue Pic Selena Gomez strikes a pose here for Teen Vogue. She is featured in the November 2013 issue. 4. Selena Gomez Instagram Pic Selena Gomez posted this photo to Instagram. She is a big fan of Brooklyn, it appears. 5. Selena Gomez Cleavage Photo Selena Gomez posted this awesome Instagram photo recently. She is an attractive young woman. 6. Selena Gomez Goes Sexy Selena Gomez strikes a sexy pose here at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. Eat your heart out, Justin Bieber! 7. Selena Gomez Concert Image Get down with your sexy self, Selena Gomez! The singer moves and grooves here on tour. 8. Selena Gomez Maxim Pic Dizzamn! You may have made a mistake, Justin Bieber. Just look at this photo of Selena Gomez from the pages of Maxim. 9. Selena Gomez Nude?!? Is Selena Gomez naked in this Instagram photo?!? It sure looks that way, doesn’t it? 10. Sheer Selena Gomez Selena Gomez goes sheer and sexy for this Instagram photo. Eat your heart out, Justin Bieber! 11. Selena Gomez Smolders Come hither, Justin Bieber? We wonder why Selena Gomez has posted this photo on Instagram.
Read the original post:
Selena Gomez Smolders on Instagram: Come Hither, Justin Bieber?