Tag Archives: taking-matters

True Or False: Did Tamar’s Husband Vincent Hubbert Father This Child Outside Of Their Marriage?

Did Vince Cheat On Tamar And Father A Child? Tamar Braxton admitted recently that she and Vince haven’t had the picture perfect marriage on their 8th wedding anniversary, but could he have cheated and fathered a daughter the day before their wedding night? A woman who is going by the name of “Paris Herbert” is claiming that she and Vince had an affair and now have an 7 year old daughter together. She says she is taking matters into social media becasue VInce is refusing to pay up for the child. Is this a hoax or reality? People are confused, but Tamar admits a few things about the situation. Hit the flip to find out.

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True Or False: Did Tamar’s Husband Vincent Hubbert Father This Child Outside Of Their Marriage?

Watch: Lira Galore Is Coming For The People Who Leaked Her Sex Tape

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Lira Galore is taking matters into her own hands after her leaked sex tape with an ex-boyfriend (not Rick Ross) caused an uproar on social media. The model proclaims the sex tape was posted without her consent and now she is pressing charges. Galore filed a police report and hired a lawyer to reprimand the people responsible for […]

Watch: Lira Galore Is Coming For The People Who Leaked Her Sex Tape