Tag Archives: talking-movies

Ghost Rider, Karate Kid Sequels In Development, Obviously

So a few weeks ago I’m in a bar with a friend, and we’re talking movies, alas, and he says, “You hear about the Ghost Writer sequel?” I thought about this and wondered who slipped drugs into my beer. “A Ghost Writer sequel?” I repeated. “What would that even be ? Roman Polanski’s under house arrest! What characters would even be around for it?” Friendo shook his head. “No, no, no — Ghost RIDER . The Nicolas Cage thing? Marvel Comics? Hairpiece?” I sheepishly, desperately gulped the rest of my beer. Anyway, this is the scenic route to saying that Sony is finally moving on a Ghost Rider sequel, and Cage is finally considering joining up. Oh, and Karate Kid 2 isn’t far behind.

See the article here:
Ghost Rider, Karate Kid Sequels In Development, Obviously