Tag Archives: tax-incentives

In Honor of the Machete Controversy: 5 Movies that Make Texas Look Good

Apparently, the Texas Film Commission has denied tax incentives to Robert Rodriguez’s Machete , citing a state code that bars incentives for films that contain “…content that portrays Texas or Texans in a negative fashion.” They didn’t cite any examples, but Robert De Niro’s corrupt Texas politician who murders illegal immigrants probably could have been construed this way. That said, it seems like most movies set in Texas don’t do the lone star state many favors. I mean, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre damages the reputation of their BBQ ! But for the sake of positivity (and because there are too many of the negative Texas movies to list), let’s take a look at five films that might have actually helped state tourism.

See the article here:
In Honor of the Machete Controversy: 5 Movies that Make Texas Look Good